This is not just a statement this is reality! This is not about being hyper spiritual as I do not agree with that. We can get out of balance in every area of life and spirituality is one of those areas. This is a hard core truthful blog that is so critically important to every person who reads it. This blog will not be my opinion and it is NOT CONSPIRACY THEORIES. This blog is factual and should be considered and taken very seriously. My love for my fellow man drives me to do this blog and I can only hope it will be well received and sleeping people will wake up to the facts that are all around us.

I want to start by telling you that I grew up in a Pentecostal church. My experiences there are not to attack or label other Pentecostal churches but… The one I attended gave me a real education on hypocrisy, control and manipulation which GOD is not a promoter of. I heard the famous words every week “The end of the world is here” All of us kids were scared to death in fact one day my neighbor was visiting me and we were playing with Barbies when the city alarm went off. They were testing it but me and her thought the same thing we both said in unison the end is here! We believed it then but after you hear something over and over you become desensitized to it. I stopped going to that church once I had been a teenager. I started reading the Bible at 19 not out of obligation but curiosity and then deep respect for the ULTIMATE TRUTH and POWER IN IT. I say this to make the point to all people out there who have been jaded by religion and even deceived by it to the expulsion of GOD or anything GOD-like. This is not a sermon but rather a warning and we are all free moral agents and have been given by GOD free will and the right to choose. So the choice will be yours what you will do with the information I give you in this blog. It will be lengthy as there is a lot to cover hope you can hang.

No matter your belief system we all can agree there is good and there is evil. No matter your belief system we all could agree that what we are witnessing and hearing daily is tangible, palpable evil. We can see, hear, and feel it looming everywhere. Through our devices in every neighborhood and city and town across America. And the beginning of it all started in the White House. This Admin is the Devil’s advocate and all that they have created in these soon to be 3 years has been proof positive of that. They are key players in the “LAST DAYS” we are living in the last of the last days and I will prove that to you throughout this blog.

Let me start by saying that I have never said the last days are here until these last 3 years and I am totally convinced. The saying is if it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck then it is a duck well, the end time signs are upon us many have been fulfilled and others are in the process. I encourage all to read for yourself. I did a blog months ago on 2 Timothy 3 prophesy dealing with the character of the “Last Days Society” Today I will delve into Matthew 24 and Thessalonians and Revelation. Let us start with Matthew 24 the words of JESUS himself telling us what will be the signs of the end of days and the Rapture that is sure to come.

This is from the Passion Translation which is an amplified Bible. I love the amplified Bible same word just richer and easier to understand.

Matthew 24;3

Later when they arrived at the Mount of Olives, His disciples came privately to where he was sitting and said, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what sign should we expect to signal your coming and the completion of this age?”

Matthew 24:4,5

Jesus answered, At that time deception will run rampant. So beware that you are not fooled! For many will appear on the scene claiming my authority or saying about themselves, I am the anointed one, And they will lead many astray.

Let us stop there for a moment and expand on this reality today. DECEPTION is running rampant. Do we not have CRT and gender ideologies. We live in a society if you do not say and agree that A MAN can have a baby you are labeled a white supremacist and homophobic and a hater. We live in a society where the establishment wants us to agree with and enable severely mentally ill people. We are living in a society of delusional people and we are expected to enable and celebrate their delusions. Are we not seeing our kids being corrupted and groomed. These are false doctrines. We hear so many wicked things being PREACHED like white supremacy. Another example is what is happening in Idaho with Lori and Chad Daybell. We have seen this in Charles Manson, Jim Jones and other nut jobs but today there are many false doctrines being puked at us.

None of us who saw the Grammy’s this year will ever forget the demonic and blasphemous performance of “UNHOLY” and what made it especially disturbing to me was all the celebrities smiling and cheering like idiots and actually applauding this!!!!! Or the Satanic parade in Brazil and lets not ignore that right now they are trying to get “SATAN CLUBS” in our school even though they took prayer and the 10 commandments out of our schools. Satan clubs and drag queens and perverted material is part of OUR CHILDREN’S CURRICULUM.!!!! they just had a huge Satan convention! WAKE UP! People on the left continually defend things that are irrational, evil, repulsive, and things that are an abomination to God. This deception that Jesus foretold is here and NO ONE can deny its existence. We are forced to choke on it all day. People in the white house playing GOD and supporting mutilation through the “gender care act”. The biology is correct the mind is troubled. But you are not allowed to be rational and sensible they despise the natural order of things. The result of all of this licensed wickedness and deception was birthed by this admin. They brought the DEVIL with them! I will expand on that later. WAKE UP!

Matthew 24:6 You will hear of wars and revolutions on every side, with more rumors of wars to come, Dont panic or give into your fears, FOR THE BREAKING APART OF THE WORLDS SYSTEMS IS DESTINED TO HAPPEN. But it won’t yet be the end; It will still be unfolding.

Can anyone deny this? Do we not see actual wars but also wars in our streets via rioting, and mass shootings, Do we not see all of the divisions that once again this admin birthed. Division is wars ugly cousin. We are being threatened daily by our enemies and if you are watching leftist media then you are oblivious to that fact. WORLD SYSTEMS let’s start with our CONSTITUTION that has been attacked ever since this wicked admin took office, These are facts, not speculations. The school system is corrupted by perverts who are trying to indoctrinate our children and grooming them with their sick and twisted ideologies. Our judicial system arrests people who defend themselves and their families and releases hardened criminals felons and murders. Defunding our police disrespecting them, brutalizing them, creating narratives to cause hate toward them, and the results we all see in the big cities are being overtaken by smash and grab a new term put into our English language that this admin created with their wicked policies. 5-year-olds are being killed, elderly being killed at the ATM in broad daylight. Left mayors and governors could care less about the carnage and are in fact advocating and defending it. People are leaving their cities because it is so violent. Again if you are relying on left media groups to inform you of this all-real reality then you are in the dark and know nothing hence deceived you may as well live under a rock or in a cave because their only motive is to deceive you and protect their president. They take for granted that Americans are stupid and will buy into their lies and sadly that has been proving true hence all the ones who voted this crazy insane posse into our white house. Never have I seen what I am seeing now. IT IS INSANE! WAKE UP! So to make it clear the systems that have been broken are as follows:

Constitution of the United States

Judicial system

School system



News and journalist

and society as a whole!

Matthew 24:7,8

Nations will go to war against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms and there will be terrible earthquakes, horrible epidemics and famines in place after place. “THIS IS HOW THE BIRTH PAINS OF THE NEW AGE WILL BEGIN!”

Ukraine has become a priority which is none of our business. This admin sending money we do not have to further the inflation for us to help people that are not our responsibility, meanwhile, our cherished ally ISREAL was ignored by our president! We all cannot deny the massive amount of natural disasters that have taken place in the last 3 years. Multiple ones are happening at the same time. Many places have suffered one after the other on the same day. I know the Skeptic would argue well we have always had natural disasters I would agree that Yes we have but that is not what Jesus said look at the last line the “BIRTH PAINS” So the meaning is when you see the natural disasters coming with intensity and frequency just like birth pains then you know we are in the last days. The baby does not come with the first pain or the second but eventually, as the pains get more intense and frequent the baby comes! WAKE UP! The GREEN NUTS that fill our white house are promoting global warming constantly they do not focus on the border, inflation, violence, and the many many other crises that they have caused but want to camp on electric cars. I will explain why they do that later. There is a spiritual element to everything that they have done and are continuing and trying to do and I will explain that at the end of this blog. What we are seeing is a GLOBAL WARNING NOT WARMING and I just want it known that I do believe we have damaged this earth but this is not what is happening. It is a scare tactic to make the wealthy wealthier. Here is one definition of epidemic: Something bad, widespread in a community. The problem has become epidemic.

Epidemics are rampant Covid and many strains the epidemic of the stupid, the epidemic of ignorance and liars, the hate epidemic, the immorality and perversion that is an epidemic today. Junkies. The epidemic of the deceived and delusional, epidemic of technology addiction. I personally see these as pandemics. We have moved long ago from epidemic to full-blown pandemic on all of these issues! Inflation has caused famine from place to place another created mess by this wicked and nonsensical admin!

Matthew 9:12-13

You can expect to be persecuted even killed; for you will be hated by all the nations for loving me. Then many will stop following me and fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one another. And many lying prophets will arise, deceiving multitudes and leading them away from the path of truth. THERE WILL BE SUCH AN INCREASE OF SIN OF LAWLESSNESS THAT THOSE WHOSE HEARTS ONCE BURNED WITH PASSION FOR GOD AND OTHERS WILL GROW COLD” But hold your hope firmly to the end and you will experience life and deliverance”

Can we deny the increase of sin and lawlessness in America today? We cannot escape it. Husbands killing their wives and children, sex traffickers, pedophiles ruling every system we have, violent crimes, and thieving. Recently a white 66-year-old man who was working outside on a mailbox was shot and killed by two black men who confessed and said they wanted to kill a white person. You are not going to hear this on CNN or MSNBC or any left-wing news station because it does not correspond with the narrative that they are constantly pushing which is one of the biggest lies of our nation white supremacy! WAKE UP! Go to officer Tatum’s YouTube channel and you will find this story and the facts! And he is black. I love Officer Tatum He is honest and does not promote any agendas! The truth is there but you have to stop looking to left to get it. It is not humanly possible for them to tell the truth! Christians have been persecuted right here in the United States remember the tranny who shot up the Christian school and what was the first place to be locked down it was the church! Abroad Christians are being slaughtered and the New man was asked to help and he refused just like he refused to help our most cherished ally ISREAL! The truth is despised more now than ever and JESUS is the TRUTH!

Matthew24: 29-31

Then immediately this is what will take place; the sun will be darkened and the moon give no light. The stars will fall from the sky and all the cosmic powers will be shaken. Then the sign announcing the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn over Him and they will, see the Son of Man appearing in the clouds of heaven, revealed with mighty power, great splendor, and glory. And he will send his messengers with the loud blast of the trumpet, and with a great voice they will gather his beloved chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

I know this is hard to wrap your finite mind around but…you have to understand the author and He is infinite in his power and ability. He is supernatural and is not operating from this physical realm but rather a spiritual realm. So whether you believe it or not is irrelevant to the fact that this event is going to take place just as all the signs you just read have taken place. The question is not whether will it happen, the question is will you be left here regretting being a so-called “know it all”. We are inundated with supposed know-it-alls from the white house and beyond and you and I see what the results have been sheer and utter chaos!

Matthew 32: 35

Now learn the lesson from the parable of the fig tree, When spring arrives and it sends out its tender branches and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near. So it will be with you, for when you observe all these things taking place, you will know that he is near, even at the door!

I assure you, the end of this age will not come until all that I have spoken comes to pass, The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before one word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose.

This requires no interpretation or translation it is very clear when we see all the signs look up because your redemption draws nigh.

Matthew 36: 42

Concerning that day and exact hour , no one knows when it will arrive, not even the angels of heaven only the Father knows. For it will be like the days of Noah when the Son of man appears. Before the flood, people lived their lives eating, drinking marrying, and having children. They didn’t realize the end was near until Noah entered the ark, and then suddenly the flood came. And took them all away in judgment. It will happen the same way when the Son of Man appears. At that time two men will be working on the farm; one will be taken away in judgment, the other left,

Two women will be grinding grain; one will be taken away in judgment the other left This is why you must stay alert: Because no one knows the day your lord will come.

We see here that NO ONE knows the day or hour of his return so if anyone ever says hes coming on this or that day know they are liars! We have the signs to look for and that is it.

These are not all of the signs that have been fulfilled. The river Euphrates is drying up this is found in Revelation 16. They are preparing to build the temple that will house the anti-Christ. They got the red herring cows for the purification ceremony last year. All of these things taken together is undeniable proof that the rapture can come at any moment.

Now let us examine the great setup that has been taking place via this admin. Years ago I read a book called End of days by pastor John Hagee and he said that he could see the headlines now after the rapture happened “Mass alien abduction” Fast forward till now and one month after the new man took office he decided to tell the American people that yes we in fact do have proof of U.F.Os and now we have the fake display in Mexico taking place right now with a fossil of a supposed alien. This is all to deceive people away from the truth of what really is happening and about to go down. I do not think it is a coincidence that This government has decided to come forth with U.F.Os because the Devil is the great deceiver and needs a narrative to explain away the rapture so he has planted those seeds. The same is true for Global warming this government has harped about this at the expulsion of everything that is detrimental to us as a society like border, economy, crime, inflation, war and many other things. One reason is for money and the other is a spiritual reason it is to discount the end sign of frequent natural disasters. This president has lied every time he has opened his mouth. He continues to tell the same lies he told way back when he was VP in fact his own people have told him to stop telling the lies but a Liar is a liar. The Bible says that Satan’s native tongue is lies and so is Bidens! They have fact-checked all of his stories and proved undeniably that he has continuously lied to manipulate whoever his audience happens to be at the time. This is not speculation its all on your computer. It is in every so-called speech he has attempted to make these 3 years. It is not hard to ketch people in lies today. If you are not aware of this then you are believing a corrupt leftist media that also has been proven to be liars time and time and countless time again! Look up a compilation of Biden’s public lies. It really amazes me that a society that lives eats and shits their phone they will not educate themselves therefore being ignorantly led like puppets on a string by a corrupt system called CNN and MSNBC and every leftist news station.

These are only but a few of the prophesies that have been fulfilled since the beginning of the book. I chose these because they are currently happening and unfolding rapidly.

The GOOD NEWS is you can be ready by simply receiving Jesus as Lord and savior it really is that simple. If you choose to gamble and are one of the countless many that will be left here you will still have a chance but you will have to die for it. I suggest you make that decision now. After the rapture the Anti Christ will rise and manipulate and deceive and destroy. He will bring in the mark and if you are left here the best advice I can give you is to repent and absolutely under no circumstance take the mark because if you take that mark you are Hell bound and there will be no more chances given to you. We have only 2 eternities and its up to us which it will be. Eternity is time without end so choose wisely. The Bible says hell is expanding everyday please do not be one of the ones filling the space. I will conclude this with John 10;10

The thief (Satan) comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy, but I (Jesus) came that you would have life and enjoy life in abundance to to full until it overflows.

Another day, Another Page

Kimber Renee


People problems, People problems

Everywhere that you go

People problems, People problems

Drowning my soul

Multitudes of adults acting like kids

fighting on the playground

They do not know how to be peaceful, they do not know how to be sound

They wear their hate like a crown

Entitlement attitude

Everywhere that you go today

Arrogance is the flame

Selfish, vain and rude

Choosing to stay the same

Sucking on the racist tit

keeping the fires lit

Continuing to rage

Feeding the Beast

Wild animals should be in a cage

Betrayal and hidden motives

Contradictions unfolding

Peace is so hard to obtain

When you are surrounded by the insane

The choice is to offend, and accept offense

Death they send

They fight about race

The moronic they embrace

They feed the Beast, making it larger

Instead of killing it, they make it stronger

Their hate is conjured

The fire has been lit

Arrogance is the flame

They stay the same

This is it

Blazing hatred, fanning the embers of hate

Trouble and chaos they crave

Death they create

If our forefathers could see

They would weep

Mouths they cannot keep

Perverting freedom

They are Ignorant

Commonsense is Elusive

the Beast is abusive

raging in the earth

Devastating and causing hurt

Salting the wounds

Inviting doom

Too stupid to see


They feed the Beast, making it larger

Instead of killing it, They make it stronger

Their hate is conjured

Comprehension has failed their ears

Learning nothing over the years

Repeating insanity

All for vanity

Living in the past, keeping it alive

Spewing lies

Ignoring cries

There is no mercy with the Beast

He has many to join him in the feast

We made the meal

Inviting the Beast to steal

inviting the Beast to kill

Blood he spills

Let’s wake up and see

Let’s let people be

Let’s kill the Beast

So we together can be free

Now are words of wisdom

for this season

Now is the time

Time to unite

So we can survive

Fight for life

Appreciate our freedoms

Not use it as a reason to hate more


I wrote this Jan 22, 2021 and it is even more relevant today than it was then. I have others that are not as nice as this and every word of this is TRUE!


The “New Man” tearing apart our freedoms and protection in a matter of a few days

Immediate action the house is dripping with hypocrisy, they are swimming in it

Commonsense is lacking talking out of both sides of their mouths

Political heads in the clouds

Unity out of one side, division out of the other

The TRUTH could not be further

From their deceptive lips

Flipping the script when it benefits them

How convenient

Dripping with sin

No shame only blame

Out of one side screaming at the world accountability, without taking their responsibility

Flip Flop, political swap



Chasing Mammon, this spirit motivates them

Every decision made promoting hate


No editing needed

It is in their speeches

We have heard it all before

Promoting the whore

That infects with disease

dress it up and put it in the big seat

call it what you whatever you want, it is still a whore

The world does NOT belong to THEM, IT IS THE LORDS

Prophesy being full-filled

Integrity being killed

The so-called academics are oblivious

To what has been foretold in that Great book that is dismissed


Your titles and degrees WILL NOT IMPRESS HIM

He laughs at self-confident fools

You can not fool Him

That spirit yo love and entertain

Will take you straight to HELL where you will remain the same

No change

Better think of eternity, time without end

Instead of living for MAMMON and sucking her tit

The day will come when everyone will be held accountable





I want to start by saying I WILL NOT debate with anyone who gets butt sore about this blog because everything in it is factual. I see things through realities lens not fantasy even if it goes against what I may like or not like. Right is right and wrong is wrong. So no disrespect but if you don’t like THE TRUTH then do not waste your time reading this and definitely do not waste time responding to argue about it because everything I say in this blog is absolute truth and the reality of it can not be escaped it is the big white elephant in the room. I will not even look at responses that are dripping with ignorance. This is simply me venting and hoping people will educate themselves and make reasonable decisions not emotional ones from now on.

I have been silent about the new world we have been forced to live in. For those of us who did not vote out of ignorance promoted by main stream media. For those of us who saw through their witch hunt and seen their goal for four years leading up to this new admin which was…Lets keep the American people distracted hating trump so they will not see that he is doing an awesome job. Everyone has GOOGLE and yet they search petty things that have no relevance. A little research and a little reason and the world would be a different place right now but sadly instead people bought into the lies conjured by editing and doctoring film by media that do not respect or want a republican in the white house. I usually stay far from the news but…we now have reputable and integral reporters that we watch and listen to. Fox on YouTube, News-max, and even Officer Tatums channel has been very refreshing. No lies, manipulations or contradictions, no evil and wicked agendas all In the name of dirty politics and power and control just simply truthful information.

I cannot even keep up with the failures of this new admin everyday it is something else. I AM NOT PROMOTING LEFT OR RIGHT we are WAY beyond that this is about being a descent human being and doing what is right which the left by their very nature can not seem to do. The very first E.O order the new man signed was to open borders which is stupid on steroids and he did it during a global pandemic! He has NEVER been to the border and still has not called it a crisis. For all of the sympathizers of the border being opened let me ask you a question. Do you go to bed at night and put a sign with flashing lights outside your home that says All doors and windows are opened and I am a very deep sleeper? NO YOU DO NOT SO HOW CAN ANYONE SAY THAT OPENING BORDERS WAS A GOOD IDEA! We now have cartels our enemies and sex traffickers all over our nation. We now have multiplied thousands infected with Covid here no mask required just come over here but…Americans better have a mask on REALLY!? 2,000,000,000 are here and we do not have background checks on any of them! The first thing any president should do weather dem or republican is PROTECT OUR NATION!!!! THIS ADMIN FAILED TO( DO THAT AND NOW THE DANGER IS MORE INTENSE THAN EVER BECAUSE OF HIS ATROCIOUS DECISIONS IN AFGHANISTAN! He has killed our economy and countless jobs. The jobs Covid did not kill he is killing daily. He has tried to keep media out of border to hide the truth that it continues to be a crisis. He talks about Covid killing people and now trying to go against our freedom again by threatening peoples jobs if they do not get vaccinated. Meanwhile he has created Nothing but death destruction and chaos. Over 80 people shot and killed last week in Chicago because the new man and his admin defunded our police. Over 90,000 Americans dead because of fentanyl overdose brought in over our border that he so proudly gave invitation to all in an effort to turn more states blue. They treat US, THE AMERICANS, WE THE PEOPLE LIKE WE ARE IDIOTS and sadly it has not been in vain because with all that is happening right now some people are still watching and worse believing the media that is powdering the new mans ass walking around blind deaf and dumb. Research would have shown people that He is not about unity and ending racism he gave the eulogy of a KKK member even his so called VP accused him of being a racist look it up! What about CRT the most hateful racist doctrine out there but they are all about unity WAKE UP! WAKE UP from your pathetic sleep and slumber forget about your party this is about our NATION and WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE NATION! WRONG IS WRONG REGARDLESS OF WHICH SIDE IT IS! He claimed unity and it has been a total, contradiction our country has NEVER been more divided. This is not about being a Trump supporter although I absolutely support him because the accomplishments speak volumes and were astounding! He full-filled every single campaign promise and did make America great. He was not weak with our enemies and gained respect from them. He built our economy like it had never been in 30 years, we were energy independent he respected our police and service men and women. He protected our military while this admin abandoned them along with our allies. HE PROTECTED ISRAEL while the new man refused to defend our cherished ally Israel. The new man stammers, stumbles and loses his train of thought constantly. I watched the debates and could not believe after watching him confused all through them that people would be silly enough to vote for him. The media won and they set back now laughing saying look at the stupid Americans hanging on on our every lie. They bewitched many and the rest of us are paying a high price. This decision has been marked with thousands of American lives! Do not take my word for it look up President trumps accomplishments and see for yourself but you might want to block out a couple hours to read them all. You do not have to look up the failures of this new admin because it is blatantly in your face daily but they do have a list of the 100 failures of the new man. The sad truth is that the TRUTH was there all along but people wanted to trust a corrupt media and voted on emotion instead of reason. If this new man were like president Trump Dem or not I would praise his efforts and give him the credit that he deserved but THAT IS NOT THE CASE it has been one anti-American action and descion after another.

So a little review: borders wide opened during a global pandemic bringing in terrorists, cartels, sex traffickers and countless many infected with Covid and 90,000 dead of drugs brought here.. The second EO shut down pipeline and killed thousands of jobs on day one. All other jobs that have been killed because this new man has been so generous In paying people to stay home causing thousands of small business to shut down bankrupting our country. He has promoted CRT critical race theory which in my opinion is the most wicked racist doctrine that exists aside from the Satanic bible. He claims to be catholic but did not even say GOD on the national day of prayer and supports abortion CONTRADICTION much. He has had reporters groomed before taking questions unlike President Trump who was transparent another characteristic of a true president that is non existent in this admin. Its all about cover up and hide. He has defunded police and big cities are being turned upside down blood shed everyday and even 6 years old’s have been shot and killed, stores being walked into in broad daylight people taking what they want and walking out and store owners can do nothing. If you have not seen this stuff then you have been watching the main stream news. Gas prices and food and lumber is sky high everything is raising daily. He has continually tried to take credit for what Trump did like we all have as bad of a memory as he does and he still tries to blame trump for everything HE is doing! No accountability at all! His mental health has been questioned since day one and we see it in the very very few times he has chosen to speak. He has attacked our constitutional rights and continues to with the new mandate and cancel culture and CRT and not being transparent and not letting reputable reporters do their job if God forbid it makes him look bad. The worst yet is his surrender to terrorists and the abandonment of our service workers military and Americans and allies, if that were not enough he gives our enemies TERRORISTS 80 billion worth of AMERICAS military equipment and weaponry so they can use it on us!!!!!!! There is so much more that I could share because there is something new everyday. Everything they have done and are trying to do is against our constitution. If you are not convinced that president trump was all about AMERICA first all you have to do is look and see this admin is dismantling everything trump did. My only comfort is that GOD is a GOD of justice and this IS A GOD NATION and HE will not tolerate much more! I will not respond to any debates because this is all factual it is not fiction like the main stream promotes. I am concluding this with my poem “The Ignorant Embrace” I wrote this in 2017 and it is still relevant more now than ever before.


The world today is backwards,

leaving me baffled,

The victims are the enemy,

The victimizers are pitied,

Delusion and denial are the diseases of the world!

The world is hypnotized by ignorance

Morals are protested against

The goal today is to protect the sin.

Death is embraced,

While life is erased,

Ignorance is what it is,

The accepted mentality, live and let live.

No rules, no accountability,

No truth just accommodate me.

Super sensitive, arrogant and easily offended,

Get over yourselves and stop pretending,

Selfies are symbolic

for the arrogant vain times we are living in,

The world is hypnotized by ignorance

Morals are protested against

The goal of today is to protect the sin.



Pity party victims,

Crying men,

Continual offense,

Technology addicted,

Morally afflicted,


Trying to throw God out of everything,

This is insane to me,

Twisted lies

And we are left to pay the price.

Hand picked excuses for all manner of dysfunction

Keeping the world sick, and I am left disgusted.

Stepping on lovers,

While embracing the haters,

The media spreading death everyday of the week,

Creating chaos instead of peace,

Abusing their positions for a paycheck, title and TV time,

Meanwhile their “NEWS” is creating suicides,

The wicked report is what they promote

Meanwhile people are hanging from ropes,

Wicked minds,

Wicked lives,

What about me all of the time,

Defending crimes,

Getting high,

Robbing people blind,

Feel sorry for me,

No responsibility,

Refuse to see,

Excuses make them free,

Denial and delusion are the diseases of the world!

The world is hypnotized by ignorance,

Morals are protested against,

The goal of today is to protect the sin.

We are living in the ignorant embrace,

That some of us have made.

The exchange of;

Lovely for ugly,

Educated for insanity,

Truth for lies, Freedom for crimes,

Quality of life for technology,

Purity for dirty,

Loyalty for social media,

Wisdom for ignorance,

Good for evil,

Reality for fantasy,

Life for death,

Justice for injustice,

What is left,

This exchange is our downfall,

Live and let live with no rules is law,

We all are witness’s,

We all see,

The world treating morals, values and human decency,

As if irrelevant in 2017,

All of this and more disgusts me,

The world has become a big giant whore,

Taunting, stalking,

Infecting and destroying,

Using, devouring,

Tempting, exposing,

Spreading disease,

Self destructing, calloused and wounded,

Twisted delusion,

Chasing excuses,

Adding to the abuses.

The madness has to stop,

Lift your voices and say no more,

Let us divorce the whore and…

Take our world back as it should be,

Safe, enjoyable and lovely.


I heard a statement that I love that says, Self deceit is said to be a sin against commonsense

How very true and prophetic this is. We have many and I stress many pandemics in our country today and one is“Self deceit” I have said for a few years now that nobody likes truth today they shun and despise it and this attitude is feeding the beast called self deceit. I have someone in my life who frustrates me so much because she is self deceived about literally everything in her life. The world and culture today is full of excuses and looking for someone to blame things on. Everyone today seems to be a victim and I just want to SCREAM at them GROW UP and be ACCOUNTABLE already! I have also said that “truth is denied its abilities” and we see the aftermath of the blatant rejection of truth from the moral decay of our nation, lack of integrity and work ethics, the ever present junkies and the plain stupid that seem to always be offended and cannot wait to get on social media and find others to be offended with them keeping wars going. People who are self deceived are dangerous because they are unwilling to see reality. The person in my life who is self deceived (there are more than her by the way) has created so much drama in her life and more importantly her children’s lives. Self deceived people are usually selfish people too. Those two together are a tag team for destruction. When a person is self deceived they are believing lies and they not only believe lies they will defend the lies that they believe I think this problem is close to insanity.

I have never understood what the big deal is to simply admit that you are wrong or that you need to work on some things. I don’t see what is wrong with admitting that you have made some mistakes, we all have. None of us are perfect, nor will we ever be perfect all we can do is strive to be better. Sadly 2019 has not proved that we are getting better nor did 2018 fast forward to 2021 and we are worse than ever. The world is sick and the challenge for me is to not get infected. Sadly we are going backward. All of the madness in this world today that is promoted by social media only proves how pathetic and ignorant the world has become. I do not see anything that is conducive with intelligence on social media, the news or outside my front door door. What we have is a junkie infested excuse ridden world that hosts pity party victims, trouble makers, easily offended cry me a river, moral decay, huge decline of integrity, weak ass men that do not want to work, technology addicted, disrespectful punks, rebellious adults acting like children, and all the ones who continue to live in the past and continue to repeat it. We have thieves and deviants of all kinds, public shootings becoming the norm, cyber bullying and eight year old’s killing themselves, Self entitlement attitudes and arrogance ruling the world. I am only left with my words and the hope that someday people with some intelligence and influence will take a look around and agree with me and begin to force some change. I continue to dream and will continue to scream!


Hells hallways large

I am chasing the dream of having my words released to the world. I am very proud of “HELLS HALLWAYS”. I have always had a love for books and like everyone I like a page turner. I am not trying to toot my own horn but… I am confident that I created just that a “page turner”. I want my readers to be engaged through-out the stories I write and sad to see it end. This book is a total work of fiction but…it is shrouded in truth of the world we live in today. I decided to give all of you lovely bloggers a sneak peek into my SECOND Chapter called “THE DEVILS DOMAIN” Amber has fallen to Hell and a lot happens before she gets to the first “Hell Room” but I am only sharing the first Hell Room she enters, with many more left to explore. I hope this intrigues you enough to buy it and give me a REVIEW on AMAZON. If you like my blogs give me your support and taste my imagination. I feel I give any one who reads this book an experience not just a good read. The categories I picked are for the entire book.

(The First hell Room)

The further she traveled into this hellish cavern the more alone and closed off from life she felt. The loneliness and separateness from creation was indescribable. She never knew just how connected that she was with creation until this place. The She-demon stopped in front of what seemed like a 1000 ft door she and her thousand voices screamed “OPEN”! The doors opened, The stench was overwhelming. There was a long table covered with rotten food that was infested with maggots and at this table there were people who looked starved, their faces sunken in, their eyes sunken in, all appeared to be naked and you could see their bones protruding from their filthy skin. They set quietly, like statues. At the head of this table was a monster of a demon weighing 2000 pounds. He was silent. The she-demon began her speech, This is gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. Even the most ignorant know this sin, that is why I’m starting here. What you are seeing is not about food. Food is the symbol. This is a picture for your human, natural mind to absorb. Amber did not forget what sin was, that was glorified here, but the word was not in her. The She-demon continued, Stupid people who have no fucking self control they feast on everything like a pack of swine, using emotions to justify being a pig. Starving themselves for vanity, destroying the temple. The demon had no compassion or understanding and was filled with profanities. She commanded the grotesquely obese demon with her many voices “Show her your spirit demon!” After she commanded he raised his arm and slammed the table that seemed the size of a football field. As soon as the boom sounded from his monster size arm the people at the table began stuffing their faces. Their dirty hands shoveling in their mouths rotten food salted with Maggots. They were puking up the food and scooping what they could of their vomit into their mouths. The table looked like a slop bucket. Amber once again was dry heaving but unable to vomit. The She-demon said, he creates gluttony by tempting people and letting them make the choice for themselves. This is forever for them, forced to literally eat their sin and she cackles. But it does not end there because there is more than one form of gluttony. Selfishness and a love for money, greedy gain which we admire here. The world that you lived in is full of gluttony, the bigger is better mentality and the grass is greener mentality has pleased us greatly. You all up there cry out for more, more, more until you have nothing. You eat death not only physically but spiritually up there by choice. Just like they keep shoveling the food in their mouths while so full that they puke it up, This is your gluttonous world, its no wonder that your father has forsaken you. You stupid fucking pigs. We shall move on and she leads Amber…….

I hope this intrigues you and leaves you wanting to see the multiple other Hell rooms and experiences Amber has. I think all could agree that we are living in a gluttonous world, saturated in greed and the desire for more. This book is relateable to all people no matter your belief system. This is not written to the Christians I do not want it labeled that. It is written to the world and has a powerful message. It is not lovely and nice just like the world we live in is not lovely and nice. Hell is not lovely and nice and I feel I captured the loneliness, eternal torment and deception that Hell produces. I am radical with truth and tip-toe around no-one regardless of their “Title.” I hope there are some that can appreciate my style and enjoy it. All of us can relate to Amber in some way. I want people to be like my birds that come in everyday to get their feast. they feed and enjoy and appreciate what I give them each day and it is my pleasure to feed them just as it is my pleasure to write stories that take you on a journey that you will enjoy and appreciate. I am diverse I have five other books that includes a dark, paranormal , paranormal horror with a sequel that I am currently working on and a psychological thriller with a sequel, also a non-fiction. I long to have my books on peoples bookshelves all over the world. I consider myself to be a shock writer and all of my books have the shock factor. I want to leave people talking and most of all I want my stories to captivate and resonate beyond the pages. This is what I am meant to do! This is what I love! Come now and love it with me.

Another day, Another page

By Kimber Renee