I shall feed on life today, Walter Wagerine said this and that is what I have been doing for almost a week now. I have officially broken out of the prison that the phone had held me captive in for so long. 10 years I have tried to break up with the phone to no avail. The last 3 years it has only progressed to the point of me being on the phone for hours each day. My routine was completely robbed and I would go to bed each night dreading the next day because of it. I would make my plan every night I would say to myself I am not getting on the phone tomorrow I am going to do ABC and that lasted until the phone rang. I continuously made my feelings known also to no avail and I gave in each and every time the phone rang or dinged at me.

I am now getting my life back and my routine. I got up this morning and took care of my animals and got my husband ready and out the door and had quiet time with Father God uninterrupted and without any delays whoo hoo! I watched a preaching program that was not on pause whoo hoo! I got a few things done in-house before I went out and laid out on my beautiful deck melting in my chair with a fan on me and the sweet melody of “Orestes” by A Perfect Circle uninterrupted whoo hoo! I simply went out and relaxed for once. I eventually muted people while I laid out because it was constantly interfering with my music no need for the mute button now and that is refreshing. Anything in excess is bad. I have been texting those I love. The goal was not to hurt, offend or upset anyone nor was it to get people out of my life it has nothing to do with loving people it has everything to do with me simply not liking the phone. I am not seduced, addicted, bewitched, or in love with it. Honestly, it has been a harassment and hindrance to me more than anything else. It has robbed me of physical energy and drained me countess times mentally and emotionally. It has altered my relationship with the creator drastically.

I let the fear of people being hurt or upset keep me in that cycle even though I was always honest about my dislike of the phone they could not accept it and my words went unheard. When I do decide to have physical conversations again it will be limited to once a week and 40 minutes only! I will never go back to that prison again.

Sadly My aunt passed away and it really opened my eyes to how precious life is all around us and I refused to waste any more of it. I am actually blogging because there is no phone attached to my head Whoo Hoo!

I feel so liberated and so much more peaceful. I highly recommend that all who read this evaluate how much of your life you are giving to a device and make a change. The phone was a bully to me, a suffocating noise box that kept me trapped for far too long. After 3 years of consistent voices in my ear for what seemed like non-stop I finally hit BURN OUT and I am so thankful that I have taken my stand even though I was met with some pouting. I recently told my niece if you want to test if someone really loves you say no to them and see how they act. If they can accept your no then they do genuinely care but…if they pout, get mad, upset, or hurt then they do not love you sincerely they love themselves. She recently told me that she finally took my advice and started saying no and she said and I quote “Aunt Red I did not know how important that was until I started doing it. She was happy and sounded better than I have heard her in years. This is what I did I refused to be manipulated and bullied into being on the phone all day. Just a helpful insight if you get mad at someone because they are not addicted to their phone or in love with their own voice then know that that is a big red flag that you have a problem, not them. We live in a very messed up society and people today do not respect others’ choice to just be. There is a sick demand for people to be available 24/7 and not only is that unrealistic but it is selfish and very unhealthy.

FEED ON LIFE TODAY enjoy every part of it. Look away from your phone or get it off your head and wake up to life!

Another Day, Another Page


People problems, People problems

Everywhere that you go

People problems, People problems

Drowning my soul

Multitudes of adults acting like kids

fighting on the playground

They do not know how to be peaceful, they do not know how to be sound

They wear their hate like a crown

Entitlement attitude

Everywhere that you go today

Arrogance is the flame

Selfish, vain and rude

Choosing to stay the same

Sucking on the racist tit

keeping the fires lit

Continuing to rage

Feeding the Beast

Wild animals should be in a cage

Betrayal and hidden motives

Contradictions unfolding

Peace is so hard to obtain

When you are surrounded by the insane

The choice is to offend, and accept offense

Death they send

They fight about race

The moronic they embrace

They feed the Beast, making it larger

Instead of killing it, they make it stronger

Their hate is conjured

The fire has been lit

Arrogance is the flame

They stay the same

This is it

Blazing hatred, fanning the embers of hate

Trouble and chaos they crave

Death they create

If our forefathers could see

They would weep

Mouths they cannot keep

Perverting freedom

They are Ignorant

Commonsense is Elusive

the Beast is abusive

raging in the earth

Devastating and causing hurt

Salting the wounds

Inviting doom

Too stupid to see


They feed the Beast, making it larger

Instead of killing it, They make it stronger

Their hate is conjured

Comprehension has failed their ears

Learning nothing over the years

Repeating insanity

All for vanity

Living in the past, keeping it alive

Spewing lies

Ignoring cries

There is no mercy with the Beast

He has many to join him in the feast

We made the meal

Inviting the Beast to steal

inviting the Beast to kill

Blood he spills

Let’s wake up and see

Let’s let people be

Let’s kill the Beast

So we together can be free

Now are words of wisdom

for this season

Now is the time

Time to unite

So we can survive

Fight for life

Appreciate our freedoms

Not use it as a reason to hate more





At the risk of being repetitive I have to vent this week on a subject that I have written about several times, and that subject is none other than TECHNOLOGY. I have heard for awhile now that some schools have taken out writing and the students do all of their work on the computer. I just heard that there are polls asking people mainly parents if they think they should stop teaching cursive writing. REALLY!!!!!!!! I think this idea is insanely stupid and what is more insanely stupid is that, it is up for debate at all. It is reminiscent of the bathroom debate absolute insanity. Commonsense would dictate that human beings should not put their whole lives and dependence on lifeless cold machines that will ALWAYS FAIL at some point! We are toying with the idea of making our kids ignorant to the point of not even knowing how to write their own names, or to even be able to read cursive. We are toying with the idea of creating a generation that cannot think for themselves because Google and Alexa can do their thinking for them! We are deciding to get rid of one of the three basics of our curriculum since the beginning of time reading, writing and arithmetic. Can you believe that this is even up for debate. What, because it is 2018 we don’t need to go through the pain staking effort of holding a pencil and write with it? I am being sarcastic. What, because it is 2018 we don’t need to write at all because we have machines that will write for us. My husband offered at one time to get me some program that you speak to and it types it for you. I gave him a very loud NO! If I did not have use of my hands that would have been helpful, but this just further confirms what a lazy world we have created. I love hearing the sounds of the keys when I am writing it is music to my ears. I journal and write poetry so I practice the lovely art of traditional writing all of the time. If we don’t speak up it will be a lost art.

Me and my husband CHOOSE to not have Facebook and some would consider that weird but it is WISDOM at its finest. I personally do not want people tracking me down like a dog. I do not want to rebuild lost relationships, or relationships with people I went to high school with and I could care less what they are up to now. I have no desire to create drama or to get addicted to the thrills of how many friends I now have on these sights, that is called PRIDE. It is sad but true that our youths self worth is dependent on how many friends that they have on these social sights and that is disgusting to me. Pride is also prevalent today through the famous selfies that people are addicted to. I do not care to see you eating chips and hopping out of shower, or hugged up with a friend blowing a kiss. I say again REALLY? I refuse to trust social media to give me the break I so desire I have a higher power for that. I refuse to worship technology and spend all of my waking hours romancing it like it were an individual. I know people who have gave their lives to the internet, totally consumed by it to the point that they can not deal with physical interactions.

I even blame the school shootings in part to social media and technology because with every new App, social sight and technological toy invented the more we as a society become desensitized. Parents are not paying attention to their kids because its easier to let the internet raise them, teach them, comfort them and guide them. Conversations in the home has become a by-product. The internet supposedly keeps us connected, that is a facade because the reality is that we as a society are more disconnected than ever. My niece told me she does not like to talk on the phone she prefers to text, need I say more. We are trading convenience for relationship. It is important to hear each others voices. The divorce rate is at its highest because of the temptations imposed through social networks. How is that connecting? It is not, rather it is breaking and busting apart relationships all over the globe! I am in no way a prude, or a stick in the mud I like some technology like video games I appreciate the fast transfer of information but I am not oblivious to the issues. The internet needs revised and social media needs to be obliterated! I love wordpress because it gives writers and authors a voice and no-one is hooking up and causing chaos, we are simply sharing each others talents, insights, wisdom, perspectives. I detest the technologically addicted world that I am apart of. The world today as a whole is creating hopelessness. I asked my fifteen year old nephew and my thirteen year old niece for their perspective on the world we live in today and this is what my nephew said I will quote him as he “Texted” me.

I feel like humanity is doomed. Humans hate humans but they also hate anything that is not human. People hate anything that is different yet they strive to be anything but the same. The world has went to shit you cant say three words without someone getting “offended” and everyone shoots or riots over anything that can walk. Humanity is doomed”. This made me sad although I totally get it but I felt it was necessary to give him something positive in response. I told him that yes the world sucks today but..we have to keep hope alive and seek the good things and focus on them. I hope what I said helped him.

My niece said and I quote her “Umm okay well today the world is filled with drama and politics. Its also filled with mind bending drugs and bad fake news that kill out all our brain cells before we reach 17. A teens life is hard with school, sports, a job if you have one and arguing with your parents 24/7. Even though our world has its lows we can get a decent education, and we have the most freedom to an extent, the technology advances are amazing and video games are now amazing”. It is insightful but notice neither mentioned technology as a problem. I do not blame them because this is what they were raised with. However, out of the mouths of babes and it saddens me that they also feel the sting of a very dysfunctional world.

Today the world embraces everything that is ignorant, wicked, profane and immoral for convenience and then these same people complain about the conditions of this world as if they have no part in the madness of it! As I have said before I choose to see the bigger picture and I will share again my illustration Technology is like a gun cabinet full of guns and the world does not lock the cabinet instead they give everyone license to grab any gun they choose and kill everything they can with a convenient excuse hand picked for them afterward. The shooter of a school the excuse; well, he was depressed and on medication, or the parents claim they did not know anything was wrong. Why, because they were not connected to him or her but I guarantee you they were connected to the internet. The drug pandemic: well, they have a disease they cant help it. The internet: well, there is good on there too. Really what you are saying is that, it has not affected me personally so I applaud the internet, that is called selfish! That you would have the nerve to disregard all of the horrible things that THE INTERNET has produced and the countless lives that it has destroyed is SELFISH! I struggle with this world. I grieve for it. Today we have to SEEK out the good because it is not common. Seek is a strong word and it best describes how we have to live today if we have any hope of a joyful life.

I know just from the people in my life that this technology age has only made them ridiculously stupid. Commonsense has been shunned, rejected, rebuked, labeled, renounced and ran from like the plague and WE wonder why our world is so screwed up. Most parents today are as addicted to social media as their kids are, creating parents who are poor imitations playing house instead of creating a home. Technology is producing the weakest generation of men ever in the history of world and these are suppose to be the ones who will defend us and our country when most cannot even talk without crying about something! Does this scare anyone out there? Boys today would not know a hard days work and if they did they would whine all through it. Believe me I know because we have had a hard time sifting out the weak from the strong to get a descent crew together. How many flesh and blood people have lost their jobs because they have a MACHINE that can do it now. Taking food out of a persons mouth to feed a machine to make more money PATHETIC! I have said it multiple times and it cannot be overstated that TECHNOLOGY IS KILLING OUR WORLD! It is merciless, cold, lifeless, brutal and full up of wickedness. One bad apple ruins the bunch use to apply but now everyone wants to defend technology with tired arguments that go like this, there is good that comes out of it to. Yes, I agree BUT….when more bad comes from it than good its time to get rid of it. Example if someone burns down someones home and then later gives them all the money to rebuild does that justify that he burned down their house? NO WAY because there were things in that home that were irreplaceable. This is what we are doing with technology metaphorically speaking all kinds of people are burning down houses through (deceiving, stealing, scamming, conning, cheating, bullying, kidnapping, murdering, recruiting, fighting) all through the giant door that we gladly open called THE INTERNET but its OK because some good comes of it. Even though things that are irreplaceable are being destroyed daily by it.

GREED AND PRIDE KEEP THE INTERNET GOING! People everywhere are choosing machines over quality of life because they are addicted to the convenience and attention, or they think its going to make them rich some day, or they are just nosy and drama addicted and love to stir the pot, or they are conceited and think they are much speaking and love to talk about themselves. Pathetic is what it is. It is what I titled one of my poems months ago “THE IGNORANT EMBRACE” this sums up the world we live in today we have made the ignorant embrace and chose a Godless whore instead. I told my husband that I feel like an alien in this world today and he said, “Baby you are not an alien you are a beacon, if there was no darkness we would need no beacon”. How beautiful and this is what I will conclude with.

Another Day, Another Page

By Kimber Renee



This poem is written about a little eight year old boy I never knew but love dearly. As you read further it will be explained. This picture is not him I did not know if I could download his picture and put it on here without his parents permission and I have no clue how to reach his parents. But like this picture he was a little eight yearold black boy, only he had a smile that would light up a room. I suggest you look him up and see for yourself how beautiful he was. My heart still aches for him so I decided to write a poem to him, to this boy I never knew.


I have never met you sweet boy

I am grieved for your choice

I am sorry that people failed you sweet boy

They are wicked, calloused and cold with their choice

Your name is one of an angel and that is so sweet

I am sorry Gabriel that so many are weak

To weak to stand strong for you

This boy I never knew

Gabriel I love you.

I am sorry baby boy for your pain

I am sorry for the deafened ears that did not hear

I am sorry for the blinded eyes that did not see you

To the ones who ignored you I pray for great shame!

I think of you often a smile that lights up a room

I pray that justice will come soon

I grieve for you

This boy I never knew


I lift my voice for you

I cry tears for you

I wish I would have had the privilege of knowing you

I will never forget you

I will keep writing about you

I will keep honoring you


Your life has affected mine in a profound way

I wish you could have stayed

The smile that lit up a room

The boy I never knew


I have two blogs written for Gabriel called “JUSTICE FOR GABRIEL and JUSTICE FOR GABRIEL PART TWO.” He was an eight year old boy who killed his self because of bullying. I heard this story on the news as I walked through the house when my husband had it on. The bullying took place at Carson Elementary in Cincinnati Ohio. He was put through hell everyday and he stayed home one day and hung himself. I cannot tell you how this affected me. I wept all that night. I will always remember this young boy who captured my heart. I hope he captures yours too. Lets ask our children if there are any problems at school. Lets get active with our young ones. I hope all parents that read this will take the inititive so that this will never happen again. This has been a few years ago now and I still weep for him and suspect I always will.


comic-2026748_1280THE WICKED REPORT

I want to write to the “News Teams.” I normally do not watch the news, but for the purpose of this article I chose to. I watched a two hour broadcast that included only two things that were positive. Only TWO out of a two hour program! This needs to be addressed. We have epidemics of all kinds in the world today that reach beyond drugs like; Ignorance, denial, delusion, I’m offended syndrome, lack of common sense, lack of accountability, rebellion, violence, excuses etc. Some would disagree with my list, but the one thing that I think all the people can agree on is: we are overdosed on negative, wicked and fear based reports. We have a saying in the south “If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.” I think we all can see the world is broken, she is bleeding all over the place. I want to make it clear that this is not a hate letter but rather a letter written in hope of change. This is not a rant about (fake news), or the crazy politics of our world today. I stay far from the madness of politics. This is about “truth.” I have heard it said in the “news business” “good news is no news” and when it comes to the news I totally agree. News people take responsibility for your words. You promote the EVIL and wicked report all day, everyday and the consequence for you may be, that you have a pocket full of money, but sadly the consequence to the world is anxiety, fear, depression and even suicide! You glorify hopelessness to get ratings and it is pathetic. The majority of people start their day with you and you spread misery as much as possible and then wonder why the world is so bad. This is what you promote!

You steal peoples hope before they even get the sleep out of their eyes in the morning and then you put on your concerned television face and continue to add fuel to the fire! America is wounded and needs to heal and you have helped bruise her! What I mean by bruise her is; all of the non-sense that we have allowed to infect her. I challenge you to make a decision for only one month to refuse to promote negative stories that WE DO NOT NEED TO HEAR AND KNOW ABOUT and see how dramatically America would change. I am not saying that this will fix everything in our world but it would be a good start. I care about the conditions of this messed up world and everyone needs to take their part and make change. I am not saying I do not appreciate informative stories, Obviously there are some things we need to know. I appreciate warnings and such, but the problem is we get every twisted, disturbing, heart piercing, anger and fear based tragedy, and trauma a person could conjure. I am not implying the issues of our world is created solely by news teams. I am saying news teams contribute to the chaos and madness. I have had issues with the “SYMPHONY OF NEGATIVITY” for years, which is precisely why I choose to not watch the news.

Be the news team that is known for spreading hope and see how your ratings will skyrocket. I encourage everyone to stop watching the doom gloom teams that dominate our mornings and instead magnify the good and lovely things so that they can enlarge. Give power to the “GOOD” and weaken the “evil.” We need to be lovers in this earth. LOVE is what is missing. Love is what is needed and in some cases craved with no fulfillment leading more and more to kill themselves. You give nut jobs fame, You help create race wars and many, many other things. You promote hate, anger, and you give life to fear. Always promoting fear with your choice of stories. This is some of the message that you promote. You can do so much good for our world and yet you use that power and platform to steal hope and peace from everyone who listens to you. How do we get rid of the darkness? By bringing in the light! It is not rocket science and you do not need ten degrees to know your part in this messed up world. I rage against the darkness that is overtaking our country and anyone who contributes to it. The world is not evil, it is the people in it. Words are containers for power, you can heal or break with words, you can love or hate with words, you can take hope or give hope with words so why would you want to spread misery and encourage madness? What good does it do to tell us about someone killing their son, or a kid got molested, or head on collisions, rapes, overdoses, robbery, murder. This is death that you give voice to and promote. None of what I have mentioned has life in it. None of this do we need to know! In that two hour program thirty seconds was dedicated to something positive, that is pathetic!!!! You all have a hard on for politics and it is so ridiculous, you talk politics to death but do nothing else. Spilling the same junk over and over again, creating more anxiety and fear. Our quality of life is being destroyed daily by all of the issues I rant about. The suicide rate is at its highest and you set blind, deaf and dumb with statements such as; that is awful, that is so sad, that is tragic. But you are not connecting the dots and taking your part in the hopelessness we all face in America today. You promote fears of every kind and wonder why people are going crazy, and why people are anxiety ridden. No matter your belief system when it is all said and done we ALL will be held accountable for our words and how we lived our life. Do you really want to be told how many people you helped pull the trigger on, or how many you helped push over the edge because of your repetitive, incessant bad news? Do you want to be known for giving all dysfunction power because you like to over dramatize situations and talk it to death just to have a story to share. You contribute to the hate, the violence, and the depravity of our world because YOU GIVE IT A VOICE!!!!!! This is a choice, The evidence is all around us and I plead that my letter will not be in vain, but that is YOUR CHOICE!

Those two hours I dedicated to “The News” inspired the poem “The Ignorant Embrace”.