Be Of Good Cheer!

It has been a long time since I have said anything. Life has been busy. We are still trying to grow our store and my creativity has been on the back burner where writing is concerned. I have missed it like a long lost friend. The world right now is full of created chaos followed by wicked agendas and all kinds of hypocrisies and insanity. I want to encourage everyone who may be suffering from the worlds sickness’s right now to take a deep breath and choose to put on an attitude of gratitude. We overcome evil with good. Find that good thing and embrace it fully. Find your happy place and camp there. Sometimes we have to manufacture our happiness. What things make you happy? Go after those things. As an empath I feel everything so I have to set boundaries for my life. Creflo Dollar says it best “guard your eye gates and ear gates. This is very true. What we focus on becomes our life. Life is good and it was created for us to enjoy it. Don’t get caught up in the troubles of the world, do not let the sickness of the world and its systems infect you. More now than ever love needs to be applied. I always say love is not a noun it is a verb. I can tell anyone that I love them but its the action of that love that makes it tangible. I have missed all the ones that I follow and I am playing ketch up today. i truly pray everyone who reads this makes a firm decision that YOU will guard your peace like a pit bull. refuse to forfeit your peace and enjoy the breathing life that you have today. be occupied with your blessings today. Let the good things in your life consume you today and be a LOVE BOMB and explode onto everyone. Be careful to not let the systems manipulate you. Keep your eyes open to all of the games and lies promoted by a spirit of mammon. That spirit is all about lust of money and power and so many are chasing it and the sad thing is that spirit will take them straight to the abyss of Hell .



I love stories with morals and I hope this resonates with all who read this today. Encouragement is the goal of today’s blog enjoy.

A little boy saw a sign on a store that said, “Puppies for sale.” He had always wanted a puppy so he went into the store and asked to see the puppies. Soon a beautiful Golden retriever walked out of the backroom and five puppies followed her. One of them was lagging behind due to what appeared to be an injured leg. The boy asked how much the puppies were and was told thirty dollars. He only had two dollars and seventy cents, so he asked if he could pay that now and pay fifty cents each week until the puppy was paid for. While the owner was pondering the boys proposal, he heard him say, “I want the one that is having trouble walking. “The owner said, “Oh I wouldn’t even sell him, I will just give him away.” The little boy said emphatically, No I will pay full price because he is worth just as much as them.” The owner told the boy he did not recommend that puppy because since he was crippled he would never be able to run and play like the other puppies and would not be much fun. The boy insisted on having the crippled puppy and as the owner once again tried to change his mind, suddenly the boy pulled up his pant leg revealing a shriveled leg with a heavy metal brace on it. He said, I want the crippled puppy because I will understand him and love him the way he is.”

This is for all people who feel worthless and insignificant because of a flaw or many other things that steal our worth. I hope this loves on you today. I don’t know who all reads my blogs and I cant hug you so this is my way to love on and hug every person who feels that you have no worth. I am reminding you that you are spectacular and unique and are a masterpiece created by the Great I AM.

Another Day, Another Page!


I wanted to share a poem by Russel Kefler that sums up that GOD made each and everyone of us with a purpose.

You are who you are for a reason

You’re part of an intricate plan

You are a precious and perfect unique design

Called God’s special woman or man

You look like you look for a reason

Our God made no mistakes

he knit you together within the womb

You’re just what he wanted to make

The parents you had were the ones he chose

And no matter how you may feel

They were custom designed with God’s plan in mind

And they bear the masters seal

No that trauma you faced was not easy

And God wept that it hurt you so

But it was allowed to shape your heart

So that into his likeness you’d grow

You are who you are for a reason

You’ve been formed by the masters hand

You are who you are, beloved

Because there is a God!”

I got this from a very awesome book I am reading called “Living the purpose driven life” by Rick warren. This book is amazing and has helped me look at everything with more clarity. I highly recommend this book for all that do not like themselves or their lives, to the ones who struggle with the obsessive question “What is my purpose” If you read this book please let me know how it affected you and your perspectives on life I would be very interested to know.



When my dear sweet Granny died she had many different quilts she created and my aunts gave all of us one. I had never seen this one and loved it immediately and I call it my “Happy Quilt”. The reason this quilt is “Happy” is all of the beautiful colors on it. Every block has a unique dutch girl, different colored dresses, and bonnets. The differences are what make this quilt awesome. My heart is grieved by the world right now and I am pleading and begging that we embrace each other and celebrate our uniqueness. I am begging all people to understand that WE ALL COME FROM THE SAME AMAZING QUILT. We all have different skin colors, hair colors, eye color, different personalities, and different talents. These things make the world exciting. LOVE is the answer and it is so simplistic and sadly terribly dismissed. If… we loved right there would be no racism, If…we loved right there would be no greed and selfishness, If…we loved right there would be no violence, If…we loved people would not abuse their power positions from the white house to the cops and on and on the list goes.  Truly Love does cover a multitude of sins and this is why this is the greatest commandment to love GOD and OUR NEIGHBOR. I am not saying to be a doormat and tolerate wickedness. I am saying if every man, woman, and child went out every day with the goal to love, our world would change instantly. I do not understand why why why it is so hard to SIMPLY LOVE! We all were wired for LOVE AND OPTIMISM ask a neuroscientist and they would confirm this.

In the animal kingdom they look out for and defend each other and yet we are supposed to be superior to animals but yet we are so ignorant because we cannot seem to do this. WE ARE KILLING EACH OTHER PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE resurrect love. I have said it multiple times what our world needs is a LOVE REVOLUTION! Let us be LOVE BOMBS AND EXPLODE ON EVERYONE WE MEET. Let us smile at people, compliment them, be patient, defend each other these things are not hard. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET US LOVE EACH OTHER PLEASE!!!!!! We all matter, we all have something sweet and special to offer this amazing quilt. I want everyone who reads this today to know this little Kentucky chick loves you and thinks you are amazing and a masterpeice which is what GOD calls ALL OF US!


During this time I have learned some things. I have learned how fragile we truly are. It is said we are a puff of smoke so I have more of an awareness of how precious life is. I have learned to not sweat all the small stuff that seemed so important pre-COVID 19. I have learned even more to appreciate the WHOLE of life. I have always been the type to love the little things of life that would be considered by most insignificant but now I am in love with all of those little things like a sunny day, the birds, the wind, the landscapes which all represent life. I have a deeper appreciation of people and connections. I have more of an appreciation for time. I have a greater appreciation of God and the Bible as my faith is being tried daily as my husband still works. WE ALL HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON RIGHT NOW, WE ALL ARE FIGHTING THE SAME ENEMY and that is powerful. I think it is so beautiful that the believers all over the globe are united in their faith and they are praying the same prayers and I know that Heaven is responding.

This will pass and life will resume and the real tragedy will be if we go back to old ways and behaviors. I hope people have evaluated themselves and the way they have lived their lives up till this crisis. I hope after this is gone people will come out better, that Twitter wars and strife makers via social media junkies will realize how unproductive and damaging that their choices on these sites are. I hope that people all over the globe will realize through this that LIVING OFFENDED ALL DAY is a waste of time and energy and it only makes way for evil to come in. I hope adults who come out of this will give up all the childish ways promoted through social media will grow up and simply LIVE LIFE and LIVE IT TO THE FULL. I hope families will be stronger and more connected and communication will be the backbone of the family unit again, not each member in a separate part of the house with a separate techno toy ruling their day and minds. Many have died through this and the ones that have survived should honor those peoples lives by embracing ours and being the best we can be for ourselves, our families, and each other. Let us not lose “the united we stand” right now because as we know divided we shall fall. So let us come out of this stronger, sweeter, and more intelligent. Let us come out of this as lovers.

I have prayed that when this is over that God will make me aware of any time I am about ready to complain about a trip to the store, or restaurant orders being wrong, or long lines, or heavy traffic and even stupid people (YIKES this one is a big one for me). Let all of us recognize all of the other pandemics we have and eliminate them as well like STUPIDITY, CHILDISH HE SAID SHE SAID INSANITY, EASILY OFFENDED, SELF ENTITLEMENT ATTITUDES, SELFISHNESS, NO ACCOUNTABILITY, EXCUSES. These are just a few pandemics there are many more but I am making a point that just like COVID 19 is destroying lives so are all of these above-mentioned things and WE HAVE THE POWER TO ELIMINATE ALL OF THOSE THINGS MENTIONED WITH “CHOICE”. It is an aggressive effort to get a vaccine to end COVID19 and we need to take that same aggressive attitude toward all of the other pandemics that our world has so generously embraced for far too long. If this world crisis does not open peoples eyes to what is genuinely important like love, peace, generosity, kindness, encouragement then nothing ever will. We are all from the same cloth, the quilt of God so to speak and WE ALL have a patch on there. Let us be a beautiful patch!



Someone posted this and I feel it is worthy to be read by all.

I hope and pray that everyone takes the time to read this and LISTEN to every word.

I talked to a man today who was 80 plus years old. I asked him if there was anything I could get him while the coronavirus scare was gripping America. He simply smiled, looked away and said:

“Let me tell you what I need! I need to believe, at some point, this country my generation fought for…I need to believe this nation we handed safely to our children and their children…I need to know this generation will quit being a bunch of sissies…that they respect what they have been given…that they’ve earned what others sacrificed for.”

I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going or if it was going anywhere at all. So, I sat there quietly observing.” You know I was a little boy during WW11. Those were scary days. We didn’t know if we were going to be speaking English, German, or Japenese at the end of the war. There were no certainties or guarantees like Americans enjoy today.

And no home went without sacrifice or loss. Every house, up and down the street, had someone in harm’s way. Maybe their daddy was a soldier, maybe their son was a sailor, maybe it was an uncle. Sometimes it was the whole damn family…fathers, sons, uncles…

Having someone you love, sent off to war…it wasnt less frightening than it is today. It was scary as Hell. If anything, it was more frightening. we didn’t have battlefront news. we didn’t have email or cellphones. You sent them away and you hoped and prayed. You may not hear from them in months. If ever. Sometimes a mother was getting her son’s letters the same day dad was comforting her over their child’s death.

And we sacrificed. You couldn’t buy things. Everything was rationed. You were only allowed so much milk per month, only so much bread, toilet paper. EVERYTHING was restricted for the war effort. And what you weren’t using, what you didn’t need, things you threw away they were saved and sorted for the war effort. My generation was the original recycling in America.

And we had viruses back then like polio, measles and such. It was nothing to walk to school and pass a house or two that was quarantined, We didn’t shut down schools. we didn’t shut down cities. We carried on without masks, without hand sanitizer. And do you know what? We overcame. We didn’t attack our President, we came together. We rallied around the flag for the war. Thick or thin, we were in it to win. And we would lose more boys in an hour of combat than we lose in entire wars today.

He slowly looked away again, Maybe I saw a small tear in the corner of his eye. Then he continued.

“Today’s kids don’t know about sacrifice. They think sacrifice is not having coverage on their phones while they are freely driving across the country.  Today’s kids are selfish and spoiled. In my generation, we looked out for our elders. We helped out with single moms whose husbands were dead from war. Today’s kids rush the store, buying everything they concern for anyone but themselves. It’s shameful the way Americans behave these days. None of them deserve the sacrifices their granddads made.

So, no I don’t need anything. I appreciate your offer but, I know I’ve been through worse things than this virus. But maybe I should be asking you, what can I do to help you, Do you have enough pop to get through this, enough steak? Will you be able to survive with 113 channels on your TV?”

I smiled, fighting back a tear of my own…now humbled by a man in his 80’s. All I could do was thank him for the history lesson, leave my number for emergency and leave with my ego firmly tucked in my rear.

I talked to a man today. A REAL MAN, aN American man from an era long gone and forgotten. We will never understand their sacrifices. We will never fully earn their sacrifices. But we should work harder to learn about them..learn from them…to respect them.

This is it and I think the old man said it all. I will close with what I have said before That generation was and is the GREATEST GENERATION TO EVER LIVE and WE NEED TO KETCH UP. I can only imagine how disgusted they are when they see the conditions of this world that they gave life and blood to.


The whole world is crippled by fear. Sadly the “Spirit of fear” has found a platform through the media to invade and torment people’s lives. We see from scripture that God says, He did not give us a spirit of fear. So we see clearly that fear is not just an emotion but it is a spirit that Satan works through. I know people get weirded out when someone mentions Satan but the truth is he is alive and well doing what he does best in the earth creating fear and panic. All of the world issues are demonic from the selfishness today, the easily offended, the anger and lack of morals and on and on the list goes. I think we can all agree that none of this comes from God so where do you think it comes from? It comes from Hell. Fear is simply faith in the devil. I have heard that fear means: false evidence appearing real. God has given promises to those who believe Him that he will protect his set-apart ones and His report is what I choose to believe! We have to collectively say GOODBYE TO FEAR and say HELLO TO FAITH! The “News” is pumping fear as much as possible and it is snowballing. Listen we had the scare of ebola which was much more serious, We had bird flu and swine flu. My point is this is no different. The only difference is the MEDIA AND NEWS ARE LETTING DEMONIC FORCES INFLUENCE THEM and it has created worldwide hysteria. Even doctor Drew said publicly that the panic is what is killing people not the disease. He also said that the “News” should be held accountable for all of this fear and panic AMEN! and again I say AMEN! The news is full of wicked reports hence my blog called “The Wicked Report” written to and about the news teams that contribute to all of the madness and chaos of our world! They are mouthpieces for Hell itself and totally ignorant of that fact! Let us STOP GIVING THE DEVIL A VOICE by obsessively talking about this virus. It is consuming people and it is all people want to talk about. I am over it STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. Do what you know to do and trust in Almighty God. I want to encourage everyone to read psalms 91. I will share a few verses as I have it committed to memory.

A thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but It will not come near you. Only a spectator shall you be inaccessible in the secret place of the most high as you witness the reward of the wicked.

Because You have made the Lord your refuge the Most High your dwelling place no evil shall befall you and no plague shall come near your dwelling.

This prayer is so powerful I am speaking from experience. I have been healed by believing in God’s word! I have had trees fall around me and yet not one touched us. I have had flood water rise to my basement and one swift move of ALMIGHTY GOD pushed the waters back. God has saved my life many times. Before I was seven years old I was almost killed three times. So let me tell you with all assurance that GOD IS FAITHFUL and HIS WORD CAN BE TRUSTED. They are living words that produce and my life testifies of that.

Let these words comfort you. Understand that the news is embellishing as always to get the hype and ratings and it is sad and pathetic that they use their voices and positions and platforms to hurt rather than help, to cause wars rather than peace, to create fear and panic instead of hope. They are taking false evidence and making it real! I cannot stand the news they are like venomous snakes striking everyone they can with their poison. Stop watching the doom gloom grim reapers and begin to acknowledge God. Read and learn Pslams 91 and let those words remove every trace of fear and enjoy your life. I will close with John 10:10

The thief (satan) comes only but to steal, kill and destroy but… I came (JESUS) so that they may HAVE LIFE and ENJOY THEIR LIVES in abundance to the full until it overflows.

Do not let fear rob you one more minute trade your fear for trust! Stop giving power to the spirit of fear with your words!

I sincerely hope this helped some people today who have been crippled and tormented by all of the wicked reports. Please have a day of calm delight.




I hope everyone is remembering their blessings and things that they are thankful for. I suggested the challenge of adding to your blogs every day something for this whole month to be thankful for. I am thankful for the Bible. This book is still THE NUMBER ONE BEST SELLING BOOK OF ALL TIME! I have been reading it since I was 19. I personally love it and just so you know you do not have to be a Christian to read it. I think people have bought into that lie and they are costing themselves so many good things. People pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to set on a couch and let a person counsel them when every answer to every problem is found in the wisest book ever written. How many of these same people have a Bible collecting dust on a shelf or in a drawer and some sadly do not even know where it is. They have the answers and don’t even know it. The only expert in life is GOD the creator of it. The only doctor of the soul is God. I am not saying it is wrong to get help but as for me if that help does not believe in God I consider them dumb as a doorknob and their counsel means nothing to me. Here is an example for you. I think everyone can agree that professionalism is dying fast. You cant go to a restaurant without a mistake. You order something online or from a company and the order is either late or wrong. Recently my cousin’s husband got a dozen doughnuts and he wanted chocolate cream-filled and instead had glazed. He had to use his gas and time to take back the doughnuts. It is sad and scary how very little people take pride in a job well done. There is a scripture that could solve this problem. It simply says to do every task heartily from the soul, do all that you do as unto the Lord and not man. Now, if we could get that mindset we all would do things right and life would improve instantly. I realize the blessing of owning it considering that some countries have made it against the law to have it. People can get their heads cut off from having it. It is smuggled in some countries like drugs.  So today I am thankful for the Bible that has given wisdom, comfort, blessing, healing, and peace for the soul. It is not just words on paper it is actually active, operative and alive. It is living words that produce amazing things in one’s life who embraces it. This is just a drop in the ocean compared to what all this word does and can do. I hope someone will knock the dust off of it and start in the New Testament. Another good place to start is the Psalms and proverbs. Proverbs is 31 chapters so we have one for every day of the month. The Psalms are a book of prayers so if you don’t know how to pray or if you have ran out of words you can find a prayer that speaks for you. Proverbs is a book of wisdom and practical insights. I suggest an amplified Bible I personally have the enjoying everyday life version.


I want to share a story I have read several times.

Parents of twin boys became concerned at the severe difference in their attitudes. One was a hopeful optimist who always seen the positive in every situation. The other was a hard-core pessimist who saw the negative in everything. They decided to talk to a doctor about their sons and they shared that their birthdays were coming up soon. The doctor suggested that they give the pessimist a shiny new bike for his birthday, and to the optimist a box of manure. The parents felt that this was extreme considering that they had always treated their boys equally, but on the suggestion of the doctor they got the pessimist a top of the line shiny new bike. He opened it and the first words out of his mouth were “I will probably fall and break my leg” They gave the optimist a carefully wrapped box of manure. He opened it and looked puzzled for a moment then ran outside very excited and said “You cant fool me, wherever there is this much manure there has to be a pony somewhere”.

I share this and hope that everyone will begin to adopt a attitude of a hopeful optimist this up-coming new year. Hope is not a wishful thought but it is an aggressive expectancy that good things are coming. It is easy in the culture we live in today to be hopeless and pessimist but we have the power to CHOOSE and we can learn to be positive where we have been negative. We can learn to be full of hope where we have been hopeless. Depending on how we were raised this may be the greatest challenge ever but we can break those old mindsets and develop new mindsets. Remember, Where the mind goes the man follows. No matter what crap you have been dealt this past year believe and hope for a pony somewhere.



I found this song by Badflower “The Jester” this video made me cry. It is a picture of the lack of humanity today. It has a powerful message and I hope all who find this today will watch it all the way through and take something from it, the something I want to impress today is LOVE. Let us decide every day that we will be LOVERS in this earth and explode onto everybody we come across even animals. Every man was wired for LOVE some are disconnected and deceived but this is the main objective of every man and woman and to me, it is the greatest calling. When we leave this earth no one is going to talk about our possessions, status, title NO what people will talk about is the character we had and wouldn’t it be lovely to be known and remembered as a hard-core LOVER!!!! There is immense power in love! This is the single most powerful thing we can do in this life and it is the only thing that lives on.