I saw this morning that The new man doesn’t know why we want HIM IMPEACHED REALLY? Let me say again REALLY? His statement does not shock me he is totally delusional as is the entire administration. Lets go down the list shall we

Open borders since day one and all of the chaos, death and destruction that is continuing to cause and he has yet 3 years later to even acknowledge it as a crisis! As a matter of fact he has NEVER acknowledged any of the multiple CRISIS we have had to endure as a direct result of HIS INTENTIONAL DECISIONS!

Severe inflation leaving the American people broke busted and disgusted and taking us from being energy independent to buying it off our enemies! Giving immigrants free health care, free food, accommodating them in every way while the Americans struggle to pay their bills and put food on the table! Not out of the kindness of his heart but his plan has always been to turn more states blue.

Defunding our police causing complete and utter lawlessness causing stores to shut down because of theft and people leaving their cities because of the violence and theft is so bad!

Attacking our constitutional rights since day one of being in the big seat!

Trying to change the English language to appease severely mentally ill people who do not even know who they are!

Attacking the REASONABLE, RATIONAL AMERICAN calling us racist, domestic terrorist and white supremacists for NOT AGREEING WITH THEIR INSANE RHETORIC AND WICKED AGENDAS!

Brainwashing our youth with hateful CRT doctrine and bringing perverts into our schools and subjecting them to sexually inappropriate material.


The abandonment in Afghanistan!

He is a pathological liar a characteristic by the way of Satan himself! Defending pedophiles and everything that is an abomination to GOD the author of everything including his wicked goofy ass!

He is corrupt and sucking our enemies ass since he was VP for Obama!

Causing total and complete division and disharmony while talking unity in his speech the night he stole everything! I am listening to TOOL and the song that is playing now is Schism which means division is that a coincidence I think not very fitting considering that our nation is one giant schism right now.

How much more do we need and this is only some of the reasons there are many more. I could literally write a book on this mans FAILURES and DISGRACES! He and this entire admin needs kicked out of the white house they everyone are Godless, evil, perverted, anti American pieces of human trash and they should be banished from this country! He is once again trying to bring fear back and planning on setting in place mandates again is it a coincidence that it is close to the election I think not! Wants mail in ballots again wonder why I think any reasonable person this late in the game can answer that! It disgusts me beyond belief what this DEVIL RUN ADMINISTRATION HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO GET BY WITH! There is a spiritual element to all of this and if you have bible education then you can clearly see that this wicked evil admin is helping to set the stage for the Anti Christ and one world order. Weather they know it or not and I believe they are followers of Satan they are key players for sure but…their reward will be in the lake of eternal fire and this is the deception of many that there is no such place. Well they will find out! The bible says you will know them by their fruit all that I have mentioned is ROTTEN fruit and characteristics of Satan himself! They mimick there father of hell. They are liars, corrupt, defend evil, defending immorality and sexual perversion and shedding of innocent blood, they are accusers and promote hate and incite violence all the time. Lest we forget how they gave the addresses of supreme court justices over the abortion laws encouraging people to protest at their homes! The new man is a DEVIL IN DISGUISE but His disguise has not been a good one as I knew day one with the first 2 policies he signed he was evil and did not give 2 shits for the American people or this great country! This is not speculation or my opinion this is truth and it is in our face daily. This is only but a few reasons. I have not even touched on his mental in capabilities like nodding off in important meetings and shaking invisible hands! Come on people VOTE THIS TIME INTELLIGENTLY!


I wrote this Jan 22, 2021 and it is even more relevant today than it was then. I have others that are not as nice as this and every word of this is TRUE!


The “New Man” tearing apart our freedoms and protection in a matter of a few days

Immediate action the house is dripping with hypocrisy, they are swimming in it

Commonsense is lacking talking out of both sides of their mouths

Political heads in the clouds

Unity out of one side, division out of the other

The TRUTH could not be further

From their deceptive lips

Flipping the script when it benefits them

How convenient

Dripping with sin

No shame only blame

Out of one side screaming at the world accountability, without taking their responsibility

Flip Flop, political swap



Chasing Mammon, this spirit motivates them

Every decision made promoting hate


No editing needed

It is in their speeches

We have heard it all before

Promoting the whore

That infects with disease

dress it up and put it in the big seat

call it what you whatever you want, it is still a whore

The world does NOT belong to THEM, IT IS THE LORDS

Prophesy being full-filled

Integrity being killed

The so-called academics are oblivious

To what has been foretold in that Great book that is dismissed


Your titles and degrees WILL NOT IMPRESS HIM

He laughs at self-confident fools

You can not fool Him

That spirit yo love and entertain

Will take you straight to HELL where you will remain the same

No change

Better think of eternity, time without end

Instead of living for MAMMON and sucking her tit

The day will come when everyone will be held accountable





Today I am thankful to have a voice and boldness to speak the truth in a world where truth is detested and hated. As long as I have a voice I will rage truth. I have raged truth about the drug addicts, the moral decline of our world, the technologically addicted and many and I stress many other things but this subject I am blogging about I feel the most passion and so I rage!


I live in a very religious town and through the mail service, it is considered the “Bible-belt” I find that amusing because the posers I have witnessed all of my life and even today are anything but Bible-believing Christians. I actually wrote a poem called “The Bible-belt Gossips’ (excerpts are in my book Hells Hallways) While living in the middle of a pack of Pharisees. I am not a preacher I am just tired of all of the contradictions and misconceptions that are being regurgitated giving God a bad name! Thankfully I do know the Bible, it is just wisdom to embrace the wisest book ever written and by the way you do not have to be a Christian to do that. I have read the Bible since I was 19 years old and because I chose to educate myself my eyes are wide opened to the lies and hypocrisies today. These lies and hypocrisies create atheists and God-haters and it needs to stop!

Crucify him, crucify him was the words of the religious. While sinners were chasing after JESUS the religious Pharisees were screaming crucify him! I am so fed up with religious people and their rejection of the grace message that they are supposed to embrace. This rejection is familiar, we seen it all through the new testament. Religious Pharisees defending the law and rejecting Grace (JESUS). Every time JESUS turned around the Pharisees (the religious) were in his face defending the law that they themselves were not keeping. Church people are scared of the grace message. The attitude is if we preach grace then people are gonna sin. How stupid, first of all, we all are gonna sin until JESUS comes back, secondly, the BIBLE is very clear in..

Second Timothy: GOD hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I am tired of the misconceptions and the picking the BIBLE apart to suit your preferences which is a sin by the way. SIN DOES NOT AND NEVER WILL SEND A BELIEVER TO HELL!!!!!! This is one of the biggest lies of hell that keeps multitudes apart from him and anyone who preaches anything except JESUS and the gospel of CHRIST will be cursed. REJECTION OF JESUS SENDS PEOPLE TO HELL! The grace message sets people free from addictions and bondages of all kinds. The grace message provides an intimate relationship with GOD. The grace message takes the pressure off of trying to be perfect and keep laws that have no ability to get us to heaven. I will tell you what a preacher on T.B.N said if sin could steal your salvation away then…the only way any of us could go to heaven is to get saved and then blow their heads off. How insulting you are to the cross when you preach and teach this way. THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN it is not works of the flesh! Grace changes people. Obedience is not an obligation it is a reciprocation of the Father’s love for us. IT IS NOT ABOUT RULES AND REGULATIONS!

You or I will not stand accountable for anyone but ourselves. Do you really think JESUS died the tormenting death he did so everyone could be scared to preach the grace message? It makes no sense to me because you everyone have a BIBLE and want to camp in the old testament and old covenant.

The Pharisees boasted of their law-keeping hence JESUS demonstrated to them what it truly takes to be justified by the law. He showed them that it was impossible for man to be justified by the law. For instance, the moment you are angry with your brother in your heart according to the law you have committed murder. How many of you have been or still are angry with someone. If a man has ever looked at a woman with lust according to the law he has committed adultery. The ten commandments say you shall have no other GODS before me but yet religious people put the law above HIM all the time. Making their laws and rules a GOD. How many of you speed? If you speed you have broken GODS law because we are instructed to keep the laws of the land. So like the preacher I made reference to said if someone commits adultery and does not repent when he dies and he goes to hell then anyone who goes 56 in a 55-mile hour zone who did not repent will also go to hell. It is astounding to me how biblically ignorant so many are. I have been raised around religious Pharisees all of my life with their gossip and judgments and exclusions of anyone that is different, their dress codes and hairstyles which still baffle me. Again insulting to the cross and the blood. Your outfit will not get you brownie points or a place in Heaven and most importantly it is not a good witness. I see women in my town that I do not know personally but I know they attend the same religious church because they are clones of one another. They have frowns on their faces not friendly and none of these women have ever witnessed to me. They had the long dress on, they had no make-up on, They had the long hair but NO FRUIT!!!!!!!! I am going to repeat what I have said before If you are one of these religious people just know when people see you, they do not think of Jesus they think Charlie Manson because this is CULT BEHAVIOR. If you wanna sacrifice clothes and make-up and different lengths of hair great but DO NOT MAKE IT A LAW AND CONCERN OF GOD. This will not get you into heaven!  ONLY JESUS will get you to heaven. You all are scared to preach the “too good to be true news” which is what the Gospel is because your afraid sin will increase meanwhile you all commit sins all day every day. There is no little sin or big sin. The BIBLE is clear in Romans 14;23 anything that is not of faith is sin.

Romans 3;20,24 says it best; For no person will be justified(made righteous, acquitted and judged acceptable) in HIS sight by observing the works prescribed by the Law. For the real function of the Law is to make men recognize and be conscious of sin(not mere perception, but an acquaintance with sin which works toward repentance, faith, and holy character).

21: But NOW the righteousness of God has been revealed independently and altogether apart from the LAW. Although actually it is attested by the Law and the prophets.

22 Namely, the righteousness of God which comes BY BELIEVING with personal trust and confident reliance on JESUS CHRIST (the messiah). (And it is meant) for ALL who believe. For there is no distinction.

23: Since ALL have sinned and are falling short of the honor and glory which GOD bestows and receives.

24:All are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His GRACE (HIS unmerited favor and mercy), through the redemption which is provided in CHRIST JESUS.

Shame on all of you who preach the law and are hiding the grace message like it were a dirty little secret meanwhile people are going to hell every minute. Do not concern yourself with someones else s walk that is between GOD and them it is no business of yours. Work on your own salvation and celebrate any newcomer in CHRIST! Religious people are notoriously known for judging and criticizing everyone else meanwhile not paying any attention to their own walk. Like JESUS said to the Pharisees You are like whitewashed tombs beautiful on the outside but inside you are full of dead men’s bones. I know why religious people stay in the old testament because they see themselves through the Pharisees in the New Testament who were calling out CRUCIFY HIM! It is time to get the lies out of our church, and the false teachings, and misconceptions, and the cult behavior where everyone looks alike. I can’t let that slide because it is not part of being a Christian. God made all of us different for a reason not so we could all dress alike, wear our hair alike, think alike, act alike, watch the same stuff share the same opinions. GOD is brilliant and creative not boring, he likes variety just look at everyone and everything he made. STOP STOP STOP insulting the trinity and GODS plan of redemption and salvation!!! You should want to look your best you are a child of a KING. I am not saying it is wrong to choose to dress and look alike if that is what you want but… do not preach it and make it a concern of GOD and a means to get to heaven. Do not impose YOUR personal preference on others. Re-read 2, Peter, this is where you religious Pharisees got that notion. The scripture was not saying you can’t look nice it was saying do not care more about the outside than you do the inside. You all took the first part of that scripture and made it a law and dismissed the second part of that scripture. STOP taking the word out of context to suit your personal preferences! The grace message does not give people a license to sin, that is a choice, we all are free moral agents. One of the greatest things GOD gave us was free will because he did not want a bunch of robots serving him out of an obligation. People can make a decision to sin but there will be consequences to all sin, so nobody ever gets by with sin. Just live your life and let others do the same, knowing that you too sin.

One last thing I do not want any grief from any religious Pharisee because I used an Amplified Bible it is not a different word it is the same word only richer because it gives the definitions of certain words in scripture. I thank GOD for resources like these. If you want to give me grief over something so silly remember you are showcasing that YOU are a religious Pharisee and I will call you out!!! I do not care who may be offended because the truth is denied its abilities in this day and age. If you are offended then take it up with GOD. But remember offense is a stumbling block, oops you would have sinned again.

Another day, Another Page

By Kimber Renee