I am frustrated and so I scream

Blind people who never see

Their choices are a disease

They choose to be bound, instead of free

The information age

Is what they say

The evidence is lacking to say the least

While everyone chases the beast

Rather than feast

They eat of…

The bread of sorrow

Don t remind me

I do not want to see

Don’t deposit wisdom

I choose to live as a victim

Let me insult your intelligence, play stupid with me

Irresponsibility, chaos and misery

This is your chosen meal

Catatonic in your ignorance

You do not feel

Your chosen tyranny

Is so offensive

I am left with my words

You never learn

This is the definition

Of ignorance

Experience is a teacher

But you forsake her

Lies mothering other lies

I no longer have the time

For your lies mixed with cries

Your cries mixed with lies

Your invisible world nurtures you

The fantasy that you seem to think is true

You are like so many

desiring pity rather than power

You reject the meal

Repeat tomorrow

You choose to eat of…

The bread of sorrow

You do not eat alone

You share your bread

With the ones you are suppose to love

Even though it is salted with dread…

and cold

You force feed the hurt

Remember you will eat your words

Pathetic, sorry excuses is the road map of your life

Wont listen to wisdom

You choose to suffer and cry

You refuse to listen

To reason

It is too real for you to handle

You will eventually burn out like a candle

You are like so many

Desiring pity rather than power

You reject the meal

Repeat tomorrow

You choose to eat of…

The bread of sorrow

Cant control others stupid choices

Ignoring all of the voices

With good advice

But you renounce it

Calling it pride

That is such bullshit

Remember that your version of pride

Is one of the seven deadlies

learn what it means, then cry

Your sad chosen melodies

You are like so many

Desiring pity rather than power

You reject the meal

Repeat tomorrow

You choose to eat of…

The bread of sorrow

You glutton on lies, fantasy and misconceptions

Twisting everything even scripture

Chasing a church that is deceptive

Only going to one that will tell you what you want to hear

The reward of your chosen ignorance is tears

Your wounds I will no longer suture

You are a walking contradiction

Another of your many chosen afflictions

It has been indicative

A haunting apparition

A man addiction

The devil has been mimicked in your house

He represents all that is toxic and wicked

This is what you have allowed

This ridiculous contradiction of a relationship

Makes me SICK

You had your out more than once

You still make the same dumb-ass choice

Ignoring the voice

The information age

Is what they say

The evidence is lacking to say the least

While everyone chases the beast

Rather than feast

They eat of…

The bread of sorrow


The clock is my dictator, I cannot rest

It makes me lie down only when exhausted

It leads me into deep depression

It hounds my soul

It leads me in circles of frenzy, for activities sake

Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done

For my ideal is with me

Deadlines and my need for approval, they drive me

They demand performance from me, beyond the limits of my schedule

They anoint my head with migraines

My in-basket overflows

Surely fatigue and time pressures shall follow me

All the days of my life

And I will dwell in the bonds of frustration forever.

Source unknown

Time is an interesting thing we all have the same amount, we cannot get it back once it is gone, we cannot control it so what can we do? All that we can do is make the most of it and enjoy it while we have it. So many people today are drowning in distractions and meaningless pursuits at the expense of our families, our physical health and many other things like the gifts we have that time has seemed to steal from us saying “I will do this or that when I have more time.” The truth is we cannot get more time, all we can do and should do is MANAGE our time. That is what we can control. We all have 24 hours given to us and it is entirely up to us what we do with that 24 hours. How many of us take time to enjoy nature and I don’t mean go take a hike but simply set outside and take in the beauty that we are surrounded by. Fall is here and I have heard many say “I dread fall” I feel sad for them to hear that because it is life and another season from the Almighty showcasing more beautiful portraits for our pleasure. I embrace every season not to say that I don’t get a little frustrated by rainy seasons because it causes floods for us or that I don’t get weary sometimes with long winters but for the most part I love every season.

How many marriages could be saved if…someone within that marriage would manage their time better? How many parents would have amazingly close relationships with their kids after they are grown if they would take the time for them now. Most people are passing strangers in the night and for the ones who are home early everyday with their families sadly in this culture each member is in a separate part of the house geeking on their phones and Facebook. It is like a poem I wrote we have made the “Ignorant Embrace” if you have not read it look it up on my blog. I have noticed every leaf coloring up, the smells and sounds of fall has captured me. I want this blog to encourage all people to begin to manage and make time for what is truly important. I hope my husband will slow down and get this revelation soon. For all of the technology addicted a little warning you will never be connected to people in your life if you are connected to the internet. Time spent with and communication is what builds and makes a relationship strong and when this old world is gone that is all that will have mattered. Don’t be a victim of time but rather be a victor of time!




This is a gift of love. I recently had a birthday and my hubby after work went two hours away to meet with people to get this dollhouse with furniture and some accessories. This is an adult doll house and it really is amazing the things you can buy for them. What made it even more special is that it belonged to an old woman who made the rugs and the quilt that is on the bed. She died 4 years ago and her daughter said it was time to let it go. I will take good care of it. It has curtains in every window except the picture window and we just need to hot glue them. It is wired for electricity. If a woman is looking for a hobby I recommend a dollhouse that you can decorate and furnish and hopefully find people that will appreciate all of the little details. I had a wonderful day with many people loving on me so it was an awesome birthday. I will put pictures up of the inside later when I have more time and a stand to put it on. This was a memory made and a reminder of my husbands love for me.





At the risk of being repetitive I have to vent this week on a subject that I have written about several times, and that subject is none other than TECHNOLOGY. I have heard for awhile now that some schools have taken out writing and the students do all of their work on the computer. I just heard that there are polls asking people mainly parents if they think they should stop teaching cursive writing. REALLY!!!!!!!! I think this idea is insanely stupid and what is more insanely stupid is that, it is up for debate at all. It is reminiscent of the bathroom debate absolute insanity. Commonsense would dictate that human beings should not put their whole lives and dependence on lifeless cold machines that will ALWAYS FAIL at some point! We are toying with the idea of making our kids ignorant to the point of not even knowing how to write their own names, or to even be able to read cursive. We are toying with the idea of creating a generation that cannot think for themselves because Google and Alexa can do their thinking for them! We are deciding to get rid of one of the three basics of our curriculum since the beginning of time reading, writing and arithmetic. Can you believe that this is even up for debate. What, because it is 2018 we don’t need to go through the pain staking effort of holding a pencil and write with it? I am being sarcastic. What, because it is 2018 we don’t need to write at all because we have machines that will write for us. My husband offered at one time to get me some program that you speak to and it types it for you. I gave him a very loud NO! If I did not have use of my hands that would have been helpful, but this just further confirms what a lazy world we have created. I love hearing the sounds of the keys when I am writing it is music to my ears. I journal and write poetry so I practice the lovely art of traditional writing all of the time. If we don’t speak up it will be a lost art.

Me and my husband CHOOSE to not have Facebook and some would consider that weird but it is WISDOM at its finest. I personally do not want people tracking me down like a dog. I do not want to rebuild lost relationships, or relationships with people I went to high school with and I could care less what they are up to now. I have no desire to create drama or to get addicted to the thrills of how many friends I now have on these sights, that is called PRIDE. It is sad but true that our youths self worth is dependent on how many friends that they have on these social sights and that is disgusting to me. Pride is also prevalent today through the famous selfies that people are addicted to. I do not care to see you eating chips and hopping out of shower, or hugged up with a friend blowing a kiss. I say again REALLY? I refuse to trust social media to give me the break I so desire I have a higher power for that. I refuse to worship technology and spend all of my waking hours romancing it like it were an individual. I know people who have gave their lives to the internet, totally consumed by it to the point that they can not deal with physical interactions.

I even blame the school shootings in part to social media and technology because with every new App, social sight and technological toy invented the more we as a society become desensitized. Parents are not paying attention to their kids because its easier to let the internet raise them, teach them, comfort them and guide them. Conversations in the home has become a by-product. The internet supposedly keeps us connected, that is a facade because the reality is that we as a society are more disconnected than ever. My niece told me she does not like to talk on the phone she prefers to text, need I say more. We are trading convenience for relationship. It is important to hear each others voices. The divorce rate is at its highest because of the temptations imposed through social networks. How is that connecting? It is not, rather it is breaking and busting apart relationships all over the globe! I am in no way a prude, or a stick in the mud I like some technology like video games I appreciate the fast transfer of information but I am not oblivious to the issues. The internet needs revised and social media needs to be obliterated! I love wordpress because it gives writers and authors a voice and no-one is hooking up and causing chaos, we are simply sharing each others talents, insights, wisdom, perspectives. I detest the technologically addicted world that I am apart of. The world today as a whole is creating hopelessness. I asked my fifteen year old nephew and my thirteen year old niece for their perspective on the world we live in today and this is what my nephew said I will quote him as he “Texted” me.

I feel like humanity is doomed. Humans hate humans but they also hate anything that is not human. People hate anything that is different yet they strive to be anything but the same. The world has went to shit you cant say three words without someone getting “offended” and everyone shoots or riots over anything that can walk. Humanity is doomed”. This made me sad although I totally get it but I felt it was necessary to give him something positive in response. I told him that yes the world sucks today but..we have to keep hope alive and seek the good things and focus on them. I hope what I said helped him.

My niece said and I quote her “Umm okay well today the world is filled with drama and politics. Its also filled with mind bending drugs and bad fake news that kill out all our brain cells before we reach 17. A teens life is hard with school, sports, a job if you have one and arguing with your parents 24/7. Even though our world has its lows we can get a decent education, and we have the most freedom to an extent, the technology advances are amazing and video games are now amazing”. It is insightful but notice neither mentioned technology as a problem. I do not blame them because this is what they were raised with. However, out of the mouths of babes and it saddens me that they also feel the sting of a very dysfunctional world.

Today the world embraces everything that is ignorant, wicked, profane and immoral for convenience and then these same people complain about the conditions of this world as if they have no part in the madness of it! As I have said before I choose to see the bigger picture and I will share again my illustration Technology is like a gun cabinet full of guns and the world does not lock the cabinet instead they give everyone license to grab any gun they choose and kill everything they can with a convenient excuse hand picked for them afterward. The shooter of a school the excuse; well, he was depressed and on medication, or the parents claim they did not know anything was wrong. Why, because they were not connected to him or her but I guarantee you they were connected to the internet. The drug pandemic: well, they have a disease they cant help it. The internet: well, there is good on there too. Really what you are saying is that, it has not affected me personally so I applaud the internet, that is called selfish! That you would have the nerve to disregard all of the horrible things that THE INTERNET has produced and the countless lives that it has destroyed is SELFISH! I struggle with this world. I grieve for it. Today we have to SEEK out the good because it is not common. Seek is a strong word and it best describes how we have to live today if we have any hope of a joyful life.

I know just from the people in my life that this technology age has only made them ridiculously stupid. Commonsense has been shunned, rejected, rebuked, labeled, renounced and ran from like the plague and WE wonder why our world is so screwed up. Most parents today are as addicted to social media as their kids are, creating parents who are poor imitations playing house instead of creating a home. Technology is producing the weakest generation of men ever in the history of world and these are suppose to be the ones who will defend us and our country when most cannot even talk without crying about something! Does this scare anyone out there? Boys today would not know a hard days work and if they did they would whine all through it. Believe me I know because we have had a hard time sifting out the weak from the strong to get a descent crew together. How many flesh and blood people have lost their jobs because they have a MACHINE that can do it now. Taking food out of a persons mouth to feed a machine to make more money PATHETIC! I have said it multiple times and it cannot be overstated that TECHNOLOGY IS KILLING OUR WORLD! It is merciless, cold, lifeless, brutal and full up of wickedness. One bad apple ruins the bunch use to apply but now everyone wants to defend technology with tired arguments that go like this, there is good that comes out of it to. Yes, I agree BUT….when more bad comes from it than good its time to get rid of it. Example if someone burns down someones home and then later gives them all the money to rebuild does that justify that he burned down their house? NO WAY because there were things in that home that were irreplaceable. This is what we are doing with technology metaphorically speaking all kinds of people are burning down houses through (deceiving, stealing, scamming, conning, cheating, bullying, kidnapping, murdering, recruiting, fighting) all through the giant door that we gladly open called THE INTERNET but its OK because some good comes of it. Even though things that are irreplaceable are being destroyed daily by it.

GREED AND PRIDE KEEP THE INTERNET GOING! People everywhere are choosing machines over quality of life because they are addicted to the convenience and attention, or they think its going to make them rich some day, or they are just nosy and drama addicted and love to stir the pot, or they are conceited and think they are much speaking and love to talk about themselves. Pathetic is what it is. It is what I titled one of my poems months ago “THE IGNORANT EMBRACE” this sums up the world we live in today we have made the ignorant embrace and chose a Godless whore instead. I told my husband that I feel like an alien in this world today and he said, “Baby you are not an alien you are a beacon, if there was no darkness we would need no beacon”. How beautiful and this is what I will conclude with.

Another Day, Another Page

By Kimber Renee


I am rejoicing today because today me and my husband have been together 27 years! April we will be married 26 years! I can honestly say that marriage is one of the greatest blessings we can experience on this earth. There is nothing more fulfilling than finding that one and only person to share in lifes journey. I recently seen a old couple in the paper celebrating 70 years of marriage WOW! I admire their committment. I had just turned 17 when we met so I have literally been with him over half of my life already. I hope we will be that couple celebrating 70 years someday. We have been through the good and the bad and all of the in between. We stand strong together and adore one another. He makes me laugh every single day 27 years later. He calls me beautiful everyday. From the moment we met we have been inseperatable.

I look at the world today and I am sad that marriage is becoming obsolete. And most that are married are not committed its too easy to get a divorce. Although we have had countless good times we have also endured hardships along the way. Since last March we have been through the fire so to speak financial crisis, loss of a loved one, my husbands back injury, but we came through it and we do not even smell like smoke. I consider him to be one of my greatest blessings and I sincerely and deeply love him more now than when we first got together. The love has only gotten stronger. I hope all that are married will make a decision today to cherish your spouse and love and admire them exceedingly. It is interesting when you are married everyone refers to the both of you as one entity example they may say Jim and Sarah or Bob and Kathy. People get use to couples and I think it is interesting if they split up how that affects many people.

When my sister and her husband split up after 10 years of marriage I actually grieved. I still have a relationship with my ex brother in law but I also still miss him seven years later. New people suck lol. I wish she would have listened to my advice all of those years ago but sadly people do not take comfort anymore in many counselors. I  am a rocker chick but oddly enough our song happens to be a Dwight Yokum song called “If there was a way”. I will listen to that song today and reflect and rejoice in true love finding me so early in life. We have no children, we have had three miscarriages so it literally has been me and him together always. I do however have amazing fur-babies that I lavish with my nurturing motherly insticts and I am happy to be their mommy. When you are with someone so young and for all of these years they truly are a body part. This is a day to celbrate! This is a day to rejoice in! I want to conclude with some quotes

It is not lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriage

I love you without knowing how, or when,orfrom where. I love you simply, without problems or pride. i love you in this way becaue I do not know any other way of loving you but this, in whitch ther is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate then when I fall to asleep your eyes close. By Pablo Neruda

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person by Mignon Mclaughlin

I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and Ive led a common life. there are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but ive loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough by Nicholus Sparks

We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someones whose weirdness is compatable with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness-and call it love-true love by Robert Fulghum

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold by Zelda Fitzgerald

What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life-to strength each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting by George Eliot

I agree with all of these especially the friends part because first and formost me and hubby are the best of friends. We have never had a need for girls nights out or guys nights out, we are staisfied only when together and I believe that this is one of the reasons that we are so close, as close as our breath.