I wrote last year a piece called “Justice for Gabriel.” in the Lakeviewtimes. For all those who do not know this was a sweet and precious little eight year old boy who was bullied mercilessly at Carson Elementary in Cincinnati Ohio. This little boy took his OWN LIFE by hanging himself!!!!!!! The parents filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the school and they said and I quote “The case should be dismissed because school leaders did not cause his death” I am outraged and so sad and disgusted by the system of this pathetic world! This story has affected me greatly and I often think of Gabriel. Go online and look at his pictures and ask yourself could you dismiss him? There is video proving how bad the bullying was. One of 31 security cameras around Carson Elementary captured an incident at the entry of a school restroom two days before the boys death. The security camera shows that Gabriel entered, another student either pulled him or assaulted him, and Gabriel slumped to the floor. The video showed Gabriel lay unconscious for nearly seven minutes. No one told Gabriel’s mother that he fainted later he complained about belly pains his mother took him to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, where he was treated and released. His mother kept him home from school the next day. But the day after that Gabriel went back to Carson, where in the morning two students took his water bottle from him. That night at home Gabriel hanged himself!

CPS response says “There is no indication that school officials ignored reports of bullying against Gabriel or that they minimized his injuries. The response filed Oct. 6 says the wrongful death suit, if successful would impose new burdens on schools “the court should decline the invitation to impose onerous untested, unnecessary new requirements on the public school system.” Jennifer Branch the lawyer representing Gabriel’s parents in the federal suit said about the CPS response, “We’re disappointed that the school district chose to fight instead of resolving this case, but we’re confident that the lawsuit supports all claims in the “lawsuit”

This school is seeking for this to be dismissed!!!!!! What is wrong with people do they have no heart, do they have NO compassion even for our children? I am at a loss. I do not even know what to say about this. PISS on this! The court should DISMISS this pathetic school system who is back peddling and avoiding and evading their responsibility! When parents send their kids to school it is THE SCHOOL SYSTEMS RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THEM SAFE! They failed Gabriel then and sadly THEY CONTINUE TO FAIL HIM NOW!!!! If this was their child would they be asking for a dismissal? HELL NO they would not!!!!! These kids that bullied him should be punished! The school should be punished! The parents of these bullies should be punished!!!!I am so FED-UP that when things like this happen people say dont blame the teachers REALLY? ALL that say that should choke on their words! Teaching is not their only responsibility. The first responsibility is to PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!!!!! NO EXCUSES are allowed when a EIGHT YEAR OLD HANGS HIMSELF!!!!!

Where is justice for Gabriel? WHERE! WHERE! WHERE! I am sickened by this and it is indicative of the cold ass world that we live in and it is disgusting to me. RIGHT IS RIGHT PEOPLE and WRONG IS WRONG!!!!!! They want to talk about burdens on schools BOO HOO and SHAME ON YOU! An innocent 8 year old boy whose smile will forever be in my mind killed himself SCREW your burdens!!!!! Two parents are suffering the greatest loss of their lives and YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT BURDENS!!!!!! I am outraged and I I I I will NEVER FORGET OR DISMISS GABRIEL!!!!! How dare you! I wish all parents could home school their kids and tell the schools to shove it up their ass!

It is heartbreaking! It is tragic and senseless! PARENTS GET OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND TEACH YOUR KIDS TO BE HUMAN BEINGS!!!!! There is NO down playing, NO excuses in this matter! Just like the chic I wrote about recently in the Lakeviewtimes who defended a baby rapist and turned on those who defended the baby this is another example of the IGNORANCE and COLDNESS that we allow and our laws uphold. What I mean is this should not even be a fight! EVERYBODY SHOULD BE ON GABRIEL’S SIDE!!!!! EVERYBODY SHOULD BE ON HIS PARENTS SIDE! The fact that they are not is wicked and cruel. The school should have their lips sown on the parents asses!!!!! Instead they are fighting against JUSTICE FOR GABRIEL!!!!!!!!


I have never met you sweet boy

I am grieved for your choice

I am sorry that people failed you sweet boy

They are wicked, calloused and cold with their choice

Your name is one of an angel and that is so sweet

I am sorry Gabriel that so many are weak

To weak to stand strong for you

This boy I never knew

Gabriel I love you.

I am sorry baby boy for your pain

I am sorry for the deafened ears that did not hear

I am sorry for the blinded eyes that did not see you

To the ones who ignored you I pray for great shame!

I think of you often a smile that lights up a room

I pray that justice will come soon

I grieve for you

This boy I never knew


I lift my voice for you

I cry tears for you

I wish I would have had the privilege of knowing you

I will never forget you

I will keep writing about you

I will keep honoring you


Your life has affected mine in a profound way

I wish you could have stayed

The smile that lit up a room

The boy I never knew


Mans justice fails people daily but I take comfort in the justice of GOD. Believe me HIS justice will prevail!!!!!! Nobody can escape GOD and HE is a GOD of justice!!!! He sees the wicked world that we give license to by evading responsibility and evading doing what is right because it is right!!!! To the parents if by some miracle they get to read this, I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your angel. I am outraged and pray for justice. I know my words are small compared to the pain you feel but your son Gabriel the little angel has touched me beyond words. I wish I could hug you both and cry with you. We are strangers but we are connected because I also grieve for your sweet Gabriel and will scream for him as long as I live. I will remember him and you both forever. I am sorry for the pathetic denial of many and lack of compassion and will continue to lift my voice and prayers for you. I will hold your little boys smile in my heart forever.